Chelsea chases a skunk. Man chases sin. Both leave their odor and require cleansing …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#1599, $7.00
A very popular tract about a farmer who tries to drown his faithful dog, who, instead, saves the farmer from drowning. Christ is our loving Friend. …
#5618, $7.00
An amazing old true story of God's deliverance from pirates illustrates true freedom …
#5063, $7.00
A baby cardinal is rescued from certain death and lovingly nursed back to health. The helpless must have a Saviour. …
#9516, $7.00
Particularly popular for Halloween. A true story of how a hunter caught geese by fooling them with innocent-looking pumpkins. …
#5797, $7.00
It was not a fair fight — between a snake and a kitten, but it meant the saving of a life. "So Christ was once offered … " …
#40478, $7.00
How a bird defeated a snake — and who taught the bird to do it.
#9532, $7.00