Gratitude seems to have gone out of style. Ingratitude and unholiness go together. Everything we have we have received. We have received better than we have deserved; and God gives much more than we can imagine. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#40667, $7.00
Thanks for the great service. I hope you get a good rest but specially hope you find rest in Christ's finished work. …
Laminated, Red Border, Classic Design White Light, Red Stripes, 3.5" x 2.38", 2 pages
#7459, $7.00
Your thoughtful service brings to mind God's knowledge of our thoughts and his love for us despite them. Now is the time to respond to his love. …
Laminated, Yellow Border, 3.5" x 2.38", 2 pages
#8408, $7.00
Laminated, Red Border, 3.5" x 2.38", 2 pages
#40256, $7.00