Many free offers aren't. They have strings attached. Christ's offer of salvation is truly free. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#3455, $7.00
Kelly was certain the police officer would testify against him. He even tried to warn the judge that the policeman was about to lie. Was he? …
#40474, $7.00
Don't try to bargain with God. What He offers is wonderful, but He offers it on His own terms. …
#3910, $7.00
Today, we are interested in instant gratification, instant service, instant attention. Technology is amazing, but God is much more amazing — and absolutely trustworthy. …
#40479, $7.00
A man despised for his miserliness leaves his wealth to bring water to the city of Marseilles. Christ was despised but gave all to bring life to guilty sinners. …
25-Pack of Gospel Tracts, 3" x 4.9", 4 pages
#44937, $1.95