A Brief Synopsis of the Public History of the Church by G.H. Stuart Price

Church, A Brief Synopsis of the Public History of the [Hardback]

Formerly Church History in Brief. See also Christian Testimony Through the Ages.

Hardback, 72 pages

#3412-13, $14.95

Price Each
An Introduction to Church History by G.H. Stuart Price

Church History, An Introduction to [Paperback]

Formerly titled "Church History in Brief." The church of God, founded on the rock of the person of Christ, has had a long and spiritually instructive history of decay and revival. "An Introduction to Church History" was written after "Miller's Church History" to provide a much more concise coverage from the same spiritual perspective. A good overview of how God has worked in the day of grace will strengthen your sense of God's patience, uncompromising faithfulness, enduring love, and unchanging truth. It will clearly show that there has always been and always will be a path available for faith to honor God until the Lord snatches His own up to be with Him forever. …

Paperback, 10.5-Point Type, 5.5" x 8.5" x .2", 90 pages

#42997, $5.95

Price Each