The Little Woodchopper by Mrs. Mary M. Sherwood

Little Woodchopper, The [Epub Ebook]

Left alone by his brothers in the deep forest, William turns for help to the one and only true Friend he had come to know and love, the Lord Jesus Christ. Read this heart-touching story and see the marvelous way the Lord works in the life of one of His own. A true story of remarkably answered prayers. …

Epub Ebook, Available Online Only, 64 pages


The Little Woodchopper by Mrs. Mary M. Sherwood

Little Woodchopper, The [Paperback]

Left alone in the forest by his cold-hearted brothers, little William learns to rely on the Lord Jesus whom he has learned to love. Read this heart-warming story and see how God cares for His own and uses them for blessing. …

Paperback, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .2", 64 pages

#2651, $4.95

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