Rampaging soldiers splash blood on doors of houses where they have killed the occupants. A goat's blood on one door shelters the occupants of one house. So Christ's blood shelters those who trust Him. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 4 pages
#41096, $7.00
What you do with Jesus and not your religiousness must be answered to God's satisfaction …
#5048, $7.00
Some rabbits run and run, and some run and hide. You can guess which are more likely to survive. Are you helplessly and hopelessly running, or are you happily hiding? A true Texas tale. …
Full Color Gospel Tract, 3.5" x 5.5", 4 pages
#44142, $7.00
Awaiting rescue in the Pacific Ocean, some airmen on a life raft discover what really matters most of all. Former title: "The Refuge." …
#41205, $7.00
This tract is all Scripture, except for the questions: Why? Who? How? From What? For What? When? …
#2141, $7.00
When an atheist mocks God because God doesn't judge him for planting on Sunday, he is reminded that God doesn't settle all of His accounts at harvesttime. A simple, memorable story. …
#1692, $7.00
If God will judge sin, if hell is real, if Jesus is the only Saviour, if only His blood cleanses from sin, if you cannot earn salvation, what does that mean for you? and what are you going to do now? …
#2130, $7.00
Seven simple statements, each backed up by two Scripture verses, present a clear and concise gospel message. …
#6268, $7.00