The Mirage of Life by W.H. Miller

Mirage of Life, The [Paperback]

Drawing deeply on the lessons found in the book of Ecclesiastes, The Mirage of Life uses historical figures from the 18th and 19th centuries to illustrate the emptiness of fame, wealth, beauty and more. Is the message that happiness is nowhere to be found? No! Such a conclusion would be at variance with experience, and a libel on the bounty of the living God, who has given us all things richly to enjoy, and who has multiplied with a lavish hand the materials of pleasure for the gratification of His creatures. Is this then the lesson taught - that wealth, art, fame, eloquence, power, were in themselves sinful? No! Many prominent men and women have personal charms eclipsed by the beauty of holiness. The truth to be drawn from the examples cited is, not that there is no happiness in life, but that, in a life which does not have Christ as its object, no permanent bliss is to be found. The characters presented in this book sought their chief enjoyment in the world. In the end, it proved to them a broken cistern which could hold no water. …

Paperback, Large Print, 12-Point Type, 5" x 8" x .3", 106 pages

#11019, $6.95

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