Interactive Introductory Bible Study Lesson and Interest Assessment [Brochure]

Interactive Introductory Bible Study Lesson and Interest Assessment
Tract back page
Gospel Brochure, Large Print, 14-Point Type
Page Size:
3.7" x 8.5"
6 pages

About This Product

A simple series of questions (with space for answers) to get the receiver into the Bible, to give a basic knowledge of the gospel, and to help to assess present need and future possibilities — may be used as a Bible course application. 12 questions, with instructions for finding the answers and for using and forwarding the form. For use with prisoners, pen pals, acquaintances, teens, class members, etc. The responses might surprise you and should be helpful to all concerned.


Full Text of This Product

If you are interested in studying the Bible, we want to encourage you and to help you; and God is more interested in encouraging and helping you than anybody else could be. Believe it or not, He designed the Bible with you in mind, and so designed it that we must learn to know Him and to depend on Him to really understand it. After all, God gave us the Bible so that we may learn to know Him and learn to depend on Him.


The Bible is God’s Word, with two main parts—the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament gives the history of this world, mankind, and sin; and it predicts the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior.


The New Testament is about the Lord Jesus Christ. It contains 27 books—four Gospels, the book of Acts, the letters (epistles) of Paul, James, Peter, John, and Jude—and it ends with the book of Revelation.

On the following pages, there are some questions. Read each question carefully, look for the answer in the New Testament, according to the reference supplied at the end of the question. Most Bibles and New Testaments have an index in the front to help you find the book mentioned. The first number in the reference (and the larger print numbers in the Bible) are chapter numbers. The numbers after the colon (:) and the smaller print numbers in the New Testament are verse numbers. When you have found the answer, write the answer, as it relates to you, in your own words, in the space provided. If you need help in this, ask God for it. You do not need to copy the whole verse. Please print neatly so that whoever may check your work can read what you wrote.

1. Why were these things written—two reasons? Read John 20:31 (the Gospel of John, chapter 20, verse 31.)

And 1 John 5:13 (the First Epistle of John, chapter 5, verse 13)


2. Three verses tell us why God’s Word is so important. Read Luke 21:33 & 1 Peter 1:23 & 25. The two reasons are:


3. Can we trust the Bible? What did Jesus say? John 17:17


4. Why do we read the Word of God? Matthew 4:4


5. About whom do the Scriptures tell us according to Luke 24:25-27?


And according to John 5:39?


6. How do we know that the Bible was not invented by a man or by a group of men? 2 Peter 1:21


7. Who inspired (directed) the writers of the Bible? 2: Timothy 3:16

8. What is the basic message of the Bible? To answer this, please copy the entire verse on the following four lines: John 3:16


9. Is there some other verse in the Bible which is particularly special to you? If so, please copy it below as best as you can, with the reference, if you know it. If you do not have any other special verse, ask God to help you to find one, and then write it below.


10. Is there a question about God or about something in or related to the Bible to which you would like to receive an answer? If so, please write it below.

11. Is there a particular part of the Bible or a particular Bible subject which you would like to study? Write it below.


12. If God should call you to come and stand before Him today, would that be ok with you? ________________________

Why, or why not? __________________

Are you ready? ____________________

Are you sure? _____________________

Please neatly print your name and address below:

And return this completed form to:

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