Paperback, Large Print, 14-Point Type
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About This Product
A larger print edition of "Footprints for Pilgrims".
"Footprints for Pilgrims" is a classic collection of pithy quotes that has been arranged into 52 themed chapters. Leave it in a handy spot and fill your mind with profitable, spiritually refreshing, conscience-touching and heart-warming thoughts every week of the year. "Footprints for Pilgrims" was designed for the busy Christian to read and then reflect on during the week.
Table of Contents
1. The Day of Adversity
2. Comfortable Words
3. Light Affliction
4. The Sufferings of This Little While
5. The Upward Look
6. Comfort and Counsel
7. Leaning Upon Christ
8. The Submissive Heart
9. The Master and the Servant
10. Helplessness
11. Word and Work
12. Meet for the Master’s Use
13. Power From on High
14. God’s Fellow Workmen
15. The Work of Faith
16. His Sent Ones
17. Attachment to Christ
18. Occupation with Christ
19. Jesus Himself
20. Wholeheartedness
21. The Exaltation of Christ
22. Lessons From the Life and Death of Christ
23. Intimacy with Christ
24. Divine Fellowship
25. Unto All Pleasing
26. Consecration
27. Progress
28. Not of the World
29. Deliverance
30. Following Christ
31. Pilgrim Ways
32. What Doth Hinder?
33. Divine Encouragement
34. Constraining Love
35. The Difficulties of the Way
36. Helps to a Closer Walk with God
37. God our Father
38. Words of Grace, Faith, and Love
39. The Lovingkindness of the Lord
40. Divine Possibilities
41. Rays of Light
42. The Promise of the Father
43. The Truth
44. Messages of Blessing
45. Lowliness
46. Watchwords and Warnings
47. Food for the Hungry
48. Spiritual and Natural Ties
49. Words in Season
50. Have Faith in God
51. The Evil One
52. The Word of God and Prayer