Another Comforter [Paperback]

Another Comforter by Walter Thomas Prideaux Wolston
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Kivar Paperback
336 pages

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From “The Spirit in the Old Testament Times” through the “Seven Spirits of God” in Revelation you will discover a thorough exposition of the Holy Spirit as presented in the Word of God. I’m on lecture seven in my personal reading and finding the book to be very, very helpful. For example, I found the following thought a treasure that got shared with several friends two weeks ago when I first read it. “When Jesus was upon earth it was ‘God with us.’ When He died on the cross for our sins, and God raised Him from the dead, there came out the blessed truth of ‘God for us.’ But now we get the essential truth of Christianity. What is that? ‘God in us.’ God, the Holy Ghost, dwelling in us—a truth, beloved friends, of incomparable importance.” Incomparable indeed!

We may not pray to the Spirit but scripture speaks often of this person of the godhead. Consider such topics as …

The Gift of the Spirit
The Baptism of the Spirit
Spiritual Gifts

and many more.

There are some words in Wolston’s writings such as “tacit” on page 124 that aren’t in common everyday speech. Some expressions also show this book wasn’t written yesterday. However in general I find his warmth, simple thought patterns and earnestness to be very invigorating and easy to follow. There’s no dry, distilled theology in these pages.

Table of Contents

1.Spirit in Old Testament Times, The

2.Born of Water and of the Spirit

3.Well of Water; or, Worship in Spirit and in Truth, A

4.Rivers of Living Water

5.Spirit of Truth, The

6.Receive Ye the Holy Ghost; of, Life More Abundantly

7.Day of Pentecost, The

8.Gift of the Spirit, The

9.In Christ; or, the Indwelling of the Spirit

10.Baptism of the Spirit, The

11.Gifts of the Spirit, The

12.Spiritual Offices

13.Seven Spirits of God, The


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Another Comforter by Walter Thomas Prideaux Wolston
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