Pageup Check and Rules for Page Counts

1. Check RTF for Styling. Add word count to planner card if it isn't there.
2. PageUp
3. Check for styling errors and visual anomalies
4. Page Count for Dave
•  Books must have an even number of pages.
•  Pamphlets and booklets must have a multiple of 
* * * Note: The last page must be a blank left-hand page for the back cover.
* * * Note: The first page must be blank
5. Update Table of Contents if changes were made. Delete it on Pamphlets and Booklets.
6. Make sure pamphlets and booklets have Other Interesting Publications (added in manually)
•  Compare numbers to UV to make sure they are correct
7. Make sure the header is not appearing on the last page of pamphlets/booklets. (It's good in books)
Try to keep pamphlets and booklets to a max 44 pages. Otherwise, they get floppy and weird.
IFC: Inside Front Cover
IBC: Inside Back Cover
Anything on the "pasteboard" that doesn't overlap with the book never shows up when a book pages up. Vessels of Mercy has a "known" author and an unchanged title so it won't need anything on the IFC (Inside Front Cover). Another area not currently magically paged up is the IBC (Inside Back Cover). Your dad puts a page with header and footer there. I grab a recent pamphlet or booklet and copy its data. I then use the item#s together with the website to get the correct titles, authors, product types into the current product. It's a rather manual process. I check everything when I'm done by copying and pasting the item#s from the IBC in the pamphlet back into the website. Here's an example: X:\Print & Ebook Projects\Pamphlets-Booklets\If The Lord Will-GHHayhoe-9096