InDesign Help

Strange spacing: alt + ctrl + shft + J
Do mass formatting: Create and adjust a style that is applied to everything you want to format. To mass change one part of that—duplicate the style and apply to the parts you want to change, then edit that style.
•  For bullet points, use formatting.
•  For Separate first line, simply create a separate style.
•  To make them split across pages, go to the Keep Options in your style (right click style, click on edit style). Unclick Keep with previous/keep lines together.
•  Other changes to footnotes: Type -> Document Footnote Options
When in doubt, look to see if someone else has written a script for it.
To run a script:
•  Window -> Utilities -> Scripts
To change spacing, pull up paragraph panel.
To compare two pages, duplicate the page and compare side by side with the changes you want (be sure to delete afterwards.
To make a change to every single page in the document: Make the change to the A-Master and then apply to all pages.
•  You can make additional master pages to use if you need them.
Helpful websites: Make changes to things that are within parentheses (without changing the parentheses)  
GREP: It can be your best friend, if you learn how to use it.
If Your PageUp fails:
If it's a pamphlet, it may contain more than one article. It doesn't like that.
•  I think it also might not like it if the first article does not match the title in a pamphlet
Check the styling. It may be normal instead of T-body-text. I don't know if this is actually what causes it to fail, but try it anyways.