Cleanup and Folder Relocation

1. Move to Archive:
•  Extra designs
•  Blurb File
•  Everything other than the Cover package and Final Body files.
2. Package the INDD for the cover
3. Package the INDD for the body
To Package an INDD: 
Check for errors (Green dot = Good to go!)
•  If there are errors, check the pasteboard (Click outside the design and press w)
If/when no errors, click File -> Package
•  Filename: Instructions.txt
•  Go to correct folder (it will open to whatever it last opened)
•  Save as whatever INDD generated
Troubleshooting: When trying to package the INDD, it refuses to save it.
This is likely because the file name is too long. You need to either move the folder (It’s trying to make an enormous name because it’s buried too far down the folder tree) or change the name of either a folder or document to make it a little shorter.
•  Note! If you change the name of a folder, make sure that if that folder path is saved somewhere else it gets updated in the other location (such as on the Planner card).
Folder Relocation
Move the whole folder out of Projects in Process and into the main books or pamphlets folder.