Who Left His Father's Home on High

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
WHO left His Father's home on high,
For sinners lost, and doomed to die,
That they to God might be brought nigh? '
Twas Jesus.
Who was that Babe in manger laid
To whom the wise men homage paid,
E'en Lord of all the angels said?
'Twas Jesus.
Who was that One in temple grand,
Who could before great rulers stand,
And all their questions understand?
'Twas Jesus.
Who was that One of whom we read,
Was Son of God, yet man indeed,
Who came to meet the sinners need?
'Twas Jesus.
Who was the "Man of sorrows" here,
The One who dried the mourner's tear,
Who e're the troubled heart would cheer,
'Twas Jesus.
Who was that One on Calvary's tree,
Who tasted death for you and me,
That Satan's captives might be free?
'Twas Jesus.
Who was it, from the silent grave
Came forth the mighty One to save,
Who e'en His precious life blood gave?
'Twas Jesus.
Who is that One upon the throne,
Who to this world is still unknown,
But seen by faith by all His own?
'Tis Jesus.
Who is that One who soon will call,
His ransomed people, one and all,
Before His blessed feet to fall?
'Tis Jesus.
Jesus who once this desert trod,
Jesus upon the throne of God,
Go tell the joyful news abroad,
Preach Jesus.