Way of Separation from Evil

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The true way of non-association with evil is to be occupied with the Lord; in such occupation sin, which is still in you, lies a dead letter, and other things are in abeyance. There is nothing that "deadifies" more than the habit of not minding. A person, for example, is seeking association with you. He calls, but you are occupied; he calls again, and you are occupied; he repeats his call, still you are occupied. He knows you prefer being occupied, to him, and he is mortified—the energy which first marked him is broken. Thus it is with the flesh. To be spiritually minded is life and peace; minding the things of the Spirit, being occupied with them, becomes a practical mortification—a -deadilying- process to the flesh. This I believe is the power of a true personal holiness—separation unto God being the greatest power in separation from evil. J. D S.