To the Dawn

I’m only dying now, mother,
To live for evermore;
And this is not your farewell kiss,
I’m only going before.
Perhaps when round the pearly gates,
With angels I am straying,
You, mother, by my little grave,
May oftentimes be praying.
I’m only fading now, mother,
To bloom for evermore,
To walk in white before His throne
With those whose sins He bore;
And radiant on the golden streets
The white robes all are shining;
And round each pure and peaceful brow
The crown He gave is twining.
I’m only thinking now, mother,
Of joys for evermore.
His house of “many mansions”
Upon that radiant shore.
I care not to remember now
Aught but His love’s true story,
What I am going to praise Him for
Before His feet in glory.
I’m only waiting now, mother,
To rest for evermore;
With sinless hosts to wander on
Where hearts shall break no more.
How gladly shall I welcome them
(Dear mother, cease your sighing),
God’s love-light in their shining eyes,
The light that I shall die in.
I’m only wanting now, mother,
God’s rest for evermore;
And that shall fall upon my heart
When this poor life is o’er;
And while within you summer trees
Day’s last beams shine and quiver,
My soul is rising to the dawn
Forever and forever.
H. W.