"My Saviour"

“Since writing last for the “Message,” the dearly loved child of my great niece has had the home call. Although not three years old, we cannot doubt the name of Jesus was precious to his young heart. His uncle wrote telling me of his sudden illness and death. The Lord called our little darling to be with Him, just as the clock was striking twelve this morning, the first minute of the Lord’s Day. We did not think the end was so near... he went home so quietly and sweetly. We can’t realize it yet, but we know our Lord doest all things well, and some day we shall know why. Little Tom used to sing in his baby way, It may be at morn, it may be at midnight,’ and it was midnight when the Lord called him.”
It is a joy to know how wonderfully the Lord has sustained and comforted the dear parents in their unexpected sorrow. It recalls my childhood days, and my dear brother who died when eleven years old. His was a fragrant life, bearing fruit to the praise of the One to whom he belonged. Space will not allow details. The Word of God was very precious to his heart, and in his last illness he would ask one or another to read to him, specially John 14. Near the end the doctor did not think he would regain consciousness, but my dear mother, who was watching by his bedside, saw his eyes open and a bright look of recognition, and the words, “Mother, the room is full of angels; don’t you see them?” And then he seemed to see a dearly loved one “gone before,” and said “Grandma.” Then came a radiant smile of unspeakable joy and full satisfaction, and those precious words, “My Saviour, “as his happy spirit took its flight to be” with Christ.” We could not doubt he saw the One who loved him and gave Himself for him. How it thrills our hearts to know it is only “a little while, “and we shall be” forever with the Lord.”
A. A. L.