The Old Man's Message.

SOME years ago I became acquainted with an old man, whose mild, peaceful countenance and white locks made me think of the words, “The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.” After a time, I found he was laid low by sickness. One day he was much cast down. As he was very deaf, it was with difficulty that I made him hear the words, “The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth from ALL sin;” with which words I left him. The next day, on entering his room, he greeted me with a beaming face, and exclaimed, “My soul doth magnify the Lord.” He then told me that in his youth he had been wild and thoughtless, but that one day, the word of God was so fixed in his heart that he had no rest, till he came to Christ as his Saviour. For forty years he had, in his humble way, served the Master; but he told me the thought of the previous wasted years had caused him many hours of sorrow. Then he added―
“Tell the young people to whom you speak that I wish I had served God years before I did, and ask them to remember their Creator in the days of their youth.” And I send you, young friends, the old man’s message. E. A. L.