A Mother's Trust.

IN a previous number we related the sad death from burning of two dear little boys in one night, and we would wish to add a few words as to the last days of their beloved christian mother. Of the above agonizing trial she spoke, some years afterward, to a friend as having been made by God one of the greatest blessings to her soul. Her own words were, “I had loved God before, but I had never trusted Him as I did then and lave done since.”
Her last long illness was one of much, suffering, but no murmur ever escaped her lips. “I have a suffering body,” she said on one occasion, “but soon mortality will be swallowed up in life.” A few days before her for her baby to be Drought to her, and while gazing at the helpless infant she said, “It is a pretty little king;” adding―
“ ‘May’st thou live to know and fear Him,
Trust and love Him all thy days;
Then go dwell forever near Him,
See His face, and sing His praise.’”
That daughter is now an earnest christian wife and mother, and thus has God fulfilled the desires and prayer of the dying parent. Later on she looked round at her two weeping boys, and told them that God was about to take her to Himself, where she would have no more pain. She then questioned each as to his hope of joining her there, bidding them, meantime, to be attentive and obedient in all their ways―dutiful to their father, and not giving needless trouble to those around them. The boys had been taught from infancy the words of life, and now the mother could leave the seed sown with the One who waters, and surely He is ever ready to answer the parent’s heart.
Just before the last peaceful scene of the dying mother, she turned to the anxious husband with words of comfort, adding, “I have no anxiety about our dear children; I only desire that they may be the children of God, and, if it please Him, that they may become ministers of His word, or missionaries.” Soon after this she sweetly fell asleep in Jesus.
Rise, christian mothers, to work for eternity, and, whilst fulfilling the many duties of life, remember your children’s never-dying souls.