The Light Beyond the Sun

No sunset, though beyond the realms of time
Life’s glory fades-far stretch the fields of light
The radiance of the everlasting-day;
The peace of God within, and no more night.
‘Tis not farewell when parting hours must come,
And earth seems darkened when the shadows fall.
The pilgrim staff lies at the gate of heaven—
Life’s vigil ends, where God is all in all
H. W.
These lines came to me at Tremel at daybreak, July 26th I was leaving my dear friends, and thinking of those who were passing from our midst, and how applicable the words of Paul were to some of us, “The time of my departure is at hand.” Then the thought came beautiful to my soul, there is no sunset to a Christian’s life, it is the dawn of fadeless glory― no sunset, but the breaking of God’s eternal day.