From Co. Wicklow

J. B― writes: A friend has handed me your little magazine (“Message from God”) and I have read with much interest your article dealing with the Irish, revival of 1859. All Christian Irishmen must be grateful to you for the loving, warm-hearted interest you take in this unhappy land, and for what you are doing to bring the gospel of God’s free grace to the Irish people.... We heartily welcome prayer for this land, that the Word of God may be placed in the hands of our Roman Catholic fellow countrymen, and that they may come to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, through faith in His atoning blood.
A dear friend, E. T― says: ―Dear Dr. Wreford, ―I send these three pound notes in the name of the Lord to help send the Word of the Lord to Ireland.
From Guernsey a friend writes: ―Kindly accept postal order enclosed for your work in Ireland. May the Lord’s blessing dwell with you, and may you be spared long to keep on this good work.