The Foulest and the Purest

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
What is the foulest thing on earth?
Bethink thee now and tell!
It is a soul by sin defiled,
And only fit for hell;
It is the loathsome earthly den
Where evil spirits dwell.
And what the purest thing on earth?
Come, tell me if you know!
'Tis that same soul by Jesus cleansed,
Washed whiter far than snow;
There's naught more pure above the sky,
And naught more pure below.
God's eye of flame that searches all
Discerns both foul and clean,
Rests on that soul with pure delight
In whom no spot is seen:
Cleansed every whit in Jesus' blood,
Whate'er its guilt has been.
He sees the blood, but sees no stain;
That covers all the sin;
'Tis Christ upon the soul without,
'Tis Christ He sees within:
To judge it foul were just to judge
God's Christ Himself unclean.
Thou Lamb of God, Thy precious blood
This great redemption wrought;
Not only snatched from yawning hell,
But to God's bosom brought:
And raised the ruined wrecks of sin
Above created thought.