The Gate Beautiful

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
At the Gate Beautiful daily he cried,
In his strong agony sorrowed and sighed;
Daily they passed him by. Out of their wealth
Sometimes a coin would give: could it give health?
Could it give strength to him, lame from his birth?
Crippled and suffering, what was life worth?
One came and spake a Name, sweetest in heaven―
Name above every name! Name God had given.
And in that Name Divine, leaping he stood,
Praising such wealth of love, bathed in its flood.
"Walking and praising God!" He who was lame!
No other power than this: "faith in His Name.”
Sinner, you too are lame, suffering, and ill,
Ignoring that blessed One. He calls to you still,
He calls to the sin-sick soul; oh, list to His voice!
Receive God's dear Son today; make Jesus your choice.