The Diary of a Soul

By The Editor December, 1921
PRAY for the passing year! Pray for the dying soul! The year is fleeing to eternity bearing its burden of humanity along. How many will have to say in sorrow, over a lost and useless life, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Men and women, as a great poet has said, “so often dwell in the valleys of time surrounded by its little hills, and the great mountains of eternity are hidden from view.” The finite hides the infinite. We can see nothing clearly in our natural condition. We are surrounded by mysteries, but see “through a glass darkly”; no perspective; nothing clearly distinguished. Clearness of vision only comes when faith is in exercise. Faith gives reality, clears away the mists, and gives their relative values to life and death, to time and eternity.
Oh! to be able to realize not only the greatness of God, but His wondrous love. To know sin, and to know the Saviour of sinners. To be able to get out of the valleys and view the spacious vistas of eternity. To know ourselves and to know God. Oh! to be able to see the One who bore our sins away, at the right hand of God in heaven—to know Him whom to know is life eternal. May God bless my reader for Christ’s sake.