My Theme

The Book of Proverbs has many references to “the mouth,” “the lips” and “the tongue.” The following verses are taken from the Wm. Kelly translation along with his comments.. These verses list both the positive uses of each, and the negative.
The mouth of the righteous” is a fountain of life, but “the fool’s mouth” is near destruction. Wisdom is found in “the lips” of the intelligent, and they feed many, but “lying lips” cover hatred. “The tongue” of the righteous is as choice silver, but not so, the heart of the wicked. Evermore teach us Lord, how “the mouth” “the lips” and “the tongue” stand out as a predominant means for expressing good will!
11 The mouth of a righteous one [is]; a fountain of life;
But the mouth of the wicked covereth violence.
12 Hatred stirreth up strifes;
But love covereth all transgressions.
13 In the lips of one intelligent wisdom is found;
But a rod [is] for the back of him that is void of understanding (or, heart).
14 The wise lay up knowledge;
But the mouth of the fool [is] near destruction.
The mouth has a widely different intent and character in man than in the beast, where it expresses animal need, innocuous or baneful to others. Man’s mouth has a nobler purpose and is unique, being the means of expressing his inner nature as one in relationship, not only in the realm of nature which he is set to rule, but in subjection to God whom he represents, or sadly, misrepresents. Here the mouth of a righteous man is said to be a fountain of life (vs. 11), for this is the divine mind. The person is not merely seen as of God providentially as Hagar saw by the fountain of water in the wilderness. It is a question of seeing Him who is invisible. The person becomes thereby an active source of blessing to others, and of blessing toward that nature which has in it now the taint of death through the sin of man since Adam. This blessing is given before the second Man restores all things as He surely will in due time. Meanwhile the righteous man’s mouth by grace is a fountain of life. He is a witness of God in Christ; and as he believes, therefore so he speaks. With the wicked it is wholly otherwise. His mouth not only utters the violence of self-will and ungodliness, but does what is even worse in covering the violence he feels, which if disclosed might lead to wholesome caution or restraint and solemn warning.
The Lips
Notice again in verse 13, we are told that “in the lips of one intelligent, wisdom is found; but a rod is for the back of him that is void of heart” (or, of understanding). How true is this, and evident experimentally! It is not only that every intelligent man has wisdom, but in his lips it is found. How self is betrayed in seeking it otherwise! Who would look for wisdom elsewhere unless he (perhaps unconsciously) wanted his own way? On the other hand, he that lacks heart in the moral sense deserves the rod for his own chastening. If his eye were single, he could not lack light.
Next in verse 18, we hear the yet more solemn warning against hypocritical ill will, its character and natural issue, and God’s judgment of it, whatever men may say. “He that covereth hatred hath lying lips; and he that uttereth slander is a fool.” The Lord searcheth the reins and hearts, which we cannot do; therefore we need to profit by His word. Malevolent lies, when laid bare, thus prove hatred that was covered up, and the sending forth of slander exposes the fool. The divine oracle does not stoop to the deceiving politeness of society, but speaks out that which all saints may hear whether for comfort or for admonition.
Further, in verse 19 we are cautioned against overmuch speaking, as our Lord denounced vain repetitions in prayer like the Gentiles, and long prayers in public like the Jews. It is well at all times to watch and refrain, save in peremptory duty. “In the multitude of words there wanteth not transgression; but he that restraineth his lips doeth wisely.” Let us not fail then to ask the Lord to set a watch before our mouth, and keep the door of our lips, as in Psalm 141:33Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3). Our evil nature is too ready to watch our neighbor’s mouth to the shame of faith and love.
The Tongue
The tongue of the righteous, as we are told in verse 20, is as choice silver. This is strikingly appropriate and suggestive. We might have thought other metals might have suited the application. Many a tongue that is not righteous cuts like the brightest and sharpest steel. But as silver in sanctuary associations pointed to grace, and gold to righteousness divine, so in usage among men silver is specially adapted for probing wounds without corrosion or festering. So is the tongue of the just, always with grace, seasoned with salt. Hence the apostolic call on “the spiritual” to restore one overtaken in any trespass; the unspiritual is apt to be severe, while the carnal would be careless and resent true judgment.
Verse 21 pursues and defines the positive blessing. “The lips of a righteous man feed many.” On the other side the one hears, “but fools die for want of understanding.” The bread which Jesus made and gave through His disciples fed the multitude, with more at the end than at the beginning; and this is what the righteous soul finds in the Lord for many in their many wants and in a thousand ways. They are called to testify of Him, and their “lips” will “feed many.” Just as certainly do fools who believe not in Him though they may hear with their ears, “die for want of understanding.” His flesh, which the Son of man gave us to eat, and His blood to drink, is the most precious grace on His part, and the most needed truth on ours; but upon hearing this many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him. How true and sad to say, that “fools die for want of understanding!” It is the perverse heart, insensible alike to its own sinfulness, and to the goodness of God, the one who in Christ went down to all depths to save the lost at all cost.
The Tongue of the Wise is Health
18 There is that babbleth like the piercings of a sword;
But the tongue of the wise [is] health.
19 The lip of truth shall be established forever;
But a lying tongue [is] but for a moment.
20 Deceit [is] in the heart of those that devise evil;
But to the counselors of peace [is] joy.
21 No evil shall happen to the righteous;
But the wicked shall be filled with mischief.
22 Lying lips [are] an abomination to Jehovah;
Babbling or rash speaking is compared most aptly to the piercings of a sword; it inflicts wounds and pain; it flows from levity if not malice, and it has no aim of good. The tongue of the wise carries conviction to every upright heart. It may smite if duty call for it righteously, but it is a kindness; such wounds heal, as they prove and remove what only harms. The tongue of the wise is health.
The lip of truth may be withstood and disliked by such as have reason to dread it, but it shall stand forever. There is no need therefore to spend time in defending it or exposing those that are its adversaries. If one waits quietly, the more will its reality and importance appear; whereas a lying tongue is but for a moment save among such as love it; and where will the end be?
The Fruit of the Mouth
20 A man’s belly is satisfied with the fruit of his mouth;
With the increase of his lips is he satisfied.
21 Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue;
“The belly” seems to be employed here in its twofold application for the innermost affections whether good or evil. The mouth indicates the heart, as the Lord tells us both of the good man and of the wicked. Out of its abundance the mouth speaks. Here it is the other side: a man’s inwards are satisfied with the fruit of his mouth, with the increase of his lips. How weighty then our every word, if we bring in God! But if this satisfies man, the child of God can be satisfied with nothing less than God’s word and grace. Hence too are death and life said to be in the power of the tongue, and so the issues regards both good and evil. All scripture declares it; all experience confirms and illustrates it.
23 Whoso guardeth his mouth and his tongue
However, valuable a faculty as good speech is, it is wise to spare the tongue as well as the mouth. The time, the tone, the way, and the end have all to be considered, lest a fair intention might not only fail but provoke. As the mouth has to beware of taking in what is beyond right and good, so the tongue of letting out what is not edifying. To keep one’s mouth and tongue as in God’s presence is to keep the soul from troubles without end.
Proverbs Wm. Kelly (adapted)