come, go, be present (Greek #3854)

2:1   Now when
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
Iesous (Greek #2424)
Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites
KJV usage: Jesus.
Pronounce: ee-ay-sooce'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03091)
was born
gennao (Greek #1080)
to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the mother); figuratively, to regenerate
KJV usage: bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.
Pronounce: ghen-nah'-o
Origin: from a variation of 1085
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
Bethleem (Greek #965)
Bethleem (i.e. Beth-lechem), a place in Palestine
KJV usage: Bethlehem.
Pronounce: bayth-leh-em'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (01036)
of Judea
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Ioudaia (Greek #2449)
the Judaean land (i.e. Judaea), a region of Palestine
KJV usage: Judaea.
Pronounce: ee-oo-dah'-yah
Origin: feminine of 2453 (with 1093 implied)
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
the days
hemera (Greek #2250)
day, i.e. (literally) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context)
KJV usage: age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, (-ly)), + for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years.
Pronounce: hay-mer'-ah
Origin: feminine (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of ἧμαι (to sit; akin to the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle
of Herod
Herodes (Greek #2264)
heroic; Herod, the name of four Jewish kings
KJV usage: Herod.
Pronounce: hay-ro'-dace
Origin: compound of ἥρως (a "hero") and 1491
the king
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
basileus (Greek #935)
a sovereign (abstractly, relatively, or figuratively)
KJV usage: king.
Pronounce: bas-il-yooce'
Origin: probably from 939 (through the notion of a foundation of power)
, behold
idou (Greek #2400)
second person singular imperative middle voice of 1492; used as imperative lo!; --behold, lo, see.
Pronounce: id-oo'
, there came
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
wise men
magos (Greek #3097)
a Magian, i.e. Oriental scientist; by implication, a magician
KJV usage: sorcerer, wise man.
Pronounce: mag'-os
Origin: of foreign origin (07248)
apo (Greek #575)
"off," i.e. away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative)
KJV usage: (X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, etc.
Pronounce: apo'
Origin: a primary particle
the east
anatole (Greek #395)
a rising of light, i.e. dawn (figuratively); by implication, the east (also in plural)
KJV usage: dayspring, east, rising.
Pronounce: an-at-ol-ay'
Origin: from 393
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
Hierosoluma (Greek #2414)
Hierosolyma (i.e. Jerushalaim}, the capitol of Palestine
KJV usage: Jerusalem. Compare 2419.
Pronounce: hee-er-os-ol'-oo-mah
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03389)
3:1   In
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
ekeinos (Greek #1565)
that one (or (neuter) thing); often intensified by the article prefixed
KJV usage: he, it, the other (same), selfsame, that (same, very), X their, X them, they, this, those. See also 3778.
Pronounce: ek-i'-nos
Origin: from 1563
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
hemera (Greek #2250)
day, i.e. (literally) the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours (but several days were usually reckoned by the Jews as inclusive of the parts of both extremes); figuratively, a period (always defined more or less clearly by the context)
KJV usage: age, + alway, (mid-)day (by day, (-ly)), + for ever, judgment, (day) time, while, years.
Pronounce: hay-mer'-ah
Origin: feminine (with 5610 implied) of a derivative of ἧμαι (to sit; akin to the base of 1476) meaning tame, i.e. gentle
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
Ioannes (Greek #2491)
Joannes (i.e. Jochanan), the name of four Israelites
KJV usage: John.
Pronounce: ee-o-an'-nace
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03110)
the Baptist
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Baptistes (Greek #910)
a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ's forerunner
KJV usage: Baptist.
Pronounce: bap-tis-tace'
Origin: from 907
, preaching
kerusso (Greek #2784)
to herald (as a public crier), especially divine truth (the gospel)
KJV usage: preacher(-er), proclaim, publish.
Pronounce: kay-roos'-so
Origin: of uncertain affinity
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
the wilderness
eremos (Greek #2048)
lonesome, i.e. (by implication) waste (usually as a noun, 5561 being implied)
KJV usage: desert, desolate, solitary, wilderness.
Pronounce: er'-ay-mos
Origin: of uncertain affinity
of Judea
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Ioudaia (Greek #2449)
the Judaean land (i.e. Judaea), a region of Palestine
KJV usage: Judaea.
Pronounce: ee-oo-dah'-yah
Origin: feminine of 2453 (with 1093 implied)
3:13   Then
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
tote (Greek #5119)
the when, i.e. at the time that (of the past or future, also in consecution)
KJV usage: that time, then.
Pronounce: tot'-eh
Origin: from (the neuter of) 3588 and 3753
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Iesous (Greek #2424)
Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites
KJV usage: Jesus.
Pronounce: ee-ay-sooce'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03091)
apo (Greek #575)
"off," i.e. away (from something near), in various senses (of place, time, or relation; literal or figurative)
KJV usage: (X here-)after, ago, at, because of, before, by (the space of), for(-th), from, in, (out) of, off, (up-)on(-ce), since, with. In composition (as a prefix) it usually denotes separation, departure, cessation, completion, reversal, etc.
Pronounce: apo'
Origin: a primary particle
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Galilaia (Greek #1056)
Galiloea (i.e. the heathen circle), a region of Palestine
KJV usage: Galilee.
Pronounce: gal-il-ah'-yah
Origin: of Hebrew origin (01551)
epi (Greek #1909)
properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.
KJV usage: about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with. In compounds it retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ep-ee'
Origin: a primary preposition
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Iordanes (Greek #2446)
the Jordanes (i.e. Jarden), a river of Palestine
KJV usage: Jordan.
Pronounce: ee-or-dan'-ace
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03383)
pros (Greek #4314)
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated)
KJV usage: about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
Pronounce: pros
Origin: a strengthened form of 4253
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Ioannes (Greek #2491)
Joannes (i.e. Jochanan), the name of four Israelites
KJV usage: John.
Pronounce: ee-o-an'-nace
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03110)
, to be baptized
baptizo (Greek #907)
to immerse, submerge; to make whelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism
KJV usage: Baptist, baptize, wash.
Pronounce: bap-tid'-zo
Origin: from a derivative of 911
hupo (Greek #5259)
under, i.e. (with the genitive case) of place (beneath), or with verbs (the agency or means, through); (with the accusative case) of place (whither (underneath) or where (below) or time (when (at))
KJV usage: among, by, from, in, of, under, with. In the comparative, it retains the same general applications, especially of inferior position or condition, and specially, covertly or moderately.
Pronounce: hoop-o'
Origin: a primary preposition
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
14:43   And
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
eutheos (Greek #2112)
directly, i.e. at once or soon
KJV usage: anon, as soon as, forthwith, immediately, shortly, straightway.
Pronounce: yoo-theh'-oce
Origin: adverb from 2117
, while he
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
eti (Greek #2089)
"yet," still (of time or degree)
KJV usage: after that, also, ever, (any) further, (t-)henceforth (more), hereafter, (any) longer, (any) more(-one), now, still, yet.
Pronounce: et'-ee
Origin: perhaps akin to 2094
laleo (Greek #2980)
to talk, i.e. utter words
KJV usage: preach, say, speak (after), talk, tell, utter. Compare 3004.
Pronounce: lal-eh'-o
Origin: a prolonged form of an otherwise obsolete verb
, cometh
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
Ioudas (Greek #2455)
Judas (i.e. Jehudah), the name of ten Israelites; also of the posterity of one of them and its region
KJV usage: Juda(-h, -s); Jude.
Pronounce: ee-oo-das'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03063)
, one
on (Greek #5607)
and the neuter ὄν (on) present participle of 1510; being
KJV usage: be, come, have.
Pronounce: oan
Origin: οὖσα (oo'-sah)
heis (Greek #1520)
a primary numeral; one
KJV usage: a(-n, -ny, certain), + abundantly, man, one (another), only, other, some. See also 1527, 3367, 3391, 3762.
Pronounce: hice
Origin: (including the neuter (etc.) ἕν)
of the twelve
dodeka (Greek #1427)
two and ten, i.e. a dozen
KJV usage: twelve.
Pronounce: do'-dek-ah
Origin: from 1417 and 1176
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
meta (Greek #3326)
properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive association, or accusative succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between 575 or 1537 and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722 and less close than 4862)
KJV usage: after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out). Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence.
Pronounce: met-ah'
Origin: a primary preposition (often used adverbially)
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
a great
polus (Greek #4183)
(singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely
KJV usage: abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en (-times)), plenteous, sore, straitly. Compare 4118, 4119.
Pronounce: pol-oos'
Origin: including the forms from the alternate πολλός
ochlos (Greek #3793)
a throng (as borne along); by implication, the rabble; by extension, a class of people; figuratively, a riot
KJV usage: company, multitude, number (of people), people, press.
Pronounce: okh'los
Origin: from a derivative of 2192 (meaning a vehicle)
meta (Greek #3326)
properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive association, or accusative succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between 575 or 1537 and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722 and less close than 4862)
KJV usage: after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out). Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence.
Pronounce: met-ah'
Origin: a primary preposition (often used adverbially)
machaira (Greek #3162)
a knife, i.e. dirk; figuratively, war, judicial punishment
KJV usage: sword.
Pronounce: makh'-ahee-rah
Origin: probably feminine of a presumed derivative of 3163
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
xulon (Greek #3586)
timber (as fuel or material); by implication, a stick, club or tree or other wooden article or substance
KJV usage: staff, stocks, tree, wood.
Pronounce: xoo'-lon
Origin: from another form of the base of 3582
, from
para (Greek #3844)
properly, near; i.e. (with genitive case) from beside (literally or figuratively), (with dative case) at (or in) the vicinity of (objectively or subjectively), (with accusative case) to the proximity with (local (especially beyond or opposed to) or causal (on account of)
KJV usage: above, against, among, at, before, by, contrary to, X friend, from, + give (such things as they), + that (she) had, X his, in, more than, nigh unto, (out) of, past, save,, in the sight of, than, (there-)fore, with. In compounds it retains the same variety of application.
Pronounce: par-ah'
Origin: a primary preposition
the chief priests
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
archiereus (Greek #749)
the high-priest (literally, of the Jews, typically, Christ); by extension a chief priest
KJV usage: chief (high) priest, chief of the priests.
Pronounce: ar-khee-er-yuce'
Origin: from 746 and 2409
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
the scribes
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
grammateus (Greek #1122)
from 1121. a writer, i.e. (professionally) scribe or secretary
KJV usage: scribe, town-clerk.
Pronounce: gram-mat-yooce'
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
the elders
presbuteros (Greek #4245)
older; as noun, a senior; specially, an Israelite Sanhedrist (also figuratively, member of the celestial council) or Christian "presbyter"
KJV usage: elder(-est), old.
Pronounce: pres-boo'-ter-os
Origin: comparative of πρέσβυς (elderly)
7:4  And
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
when they came
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
pros (Greek #4314)
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated)
KJV usage: about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
Pronounce: pros
Origin: a strengthened form of 4253
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Iesous (Greek #2424)
Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites
KJV usage: Jesus.
Pronounce: ee-ay-sooce'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03091)
, they besought
parakaleo (Greek #3870)
to call near, i.e. invite, invoke (by imploration, hortation or consolation)
KJV usage: beseech, call for, (be of good) comfort, desire, (give) exhort(-ation), intreat, pray.
Pronounce: par-ak-al-eh'-o
Origin: from 3844 and 2564
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
spoudaios (Greek #4709)
earnestly, promptly
KJV usage: diligently, instantly.
Pronounce: spoo-dah'-yoce
Origin: adverb from 4705
, saying
lego (Greek #3004)
properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean
KJV usage: ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter.
Pronounce: leg'-o
Origin: a primary verb
, That
hoti (Greek #3754)
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because
KJV usage: as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why.
Pronounce: hot'-ee
Origin: neuter of 3748 as conjunction
he was
esti (Greek #2076)
he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are
KJV usage: are, be(-long), call, X can(-not), come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle.
Pronounce: es-tee'
Origin: third person singular present indicative of 1510
axios (Greek #514)
deserving, comparable or suitable (as if drawing praise)
KJV usage: due reward, meet, (un-)worthy.
Pronounce: ax'-ee-os
Origin: probably from 71
for whom
hos (Greek #3739)
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that
KJV usage: one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757.
Pronounce: hos
Origin: ἥ (hay), and neuter ὅ (ho) probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588)
he should do
parecho (Greek #3930)
to hold near, i.e. present, afford, exhibit, furnish occasion
KJV usage: bring, do, give, keep, minister, offer, shew, + trouble.
Pronounce: par-ekh'-o
Origin: from 3844 and 2192
touto (Greek #5124)
that thing
KJV usage: here (-unto), it, partly, self(-same), so, that (intent), the same, there(-fore, -unto), this, thus, where(-fore).
Pronounce: too'-to
Origin: neuter singular nominative or accusative case of 3778
7:20  When
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
the men
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
aner (Greek #435)
a man (properly as an individual male)
KJV usage: fellow, husband, man, sir.
Pronounce: an'-ayr
Origin: a primary word (compare 444)
were come
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
pros (Greek #4314)
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated)
KJV usage: about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
Pronounce: pros
Origin: a strengthened form of 4253
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
, they said
epo (Greek #2036)
to speak or say (by word or writing)
KJV usage: answer, bid, bring word, call, command, grant, say (on), speak, tell. Compare 3004.
Pronounce: ep'-o
Origin: a primary verb (used only in the definite past tense, the others being borrowed from 2046, 4483, and 5346)
, John
Ioannes (Greek #2491)
Joannes (i.e. Jochanan), the name of four Israelites
KJV usage: John.
Pronounce: ee-o-an'-nace
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03110)
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Baptistes (Greek #910)
a baptizer, as an epithet of Christ's forerunner
KJV usage: Baptist.
Pronounce: bap-tis-tace'
Origin: from 907
hath sent
apostello (Greek #649)
set apart, i.e. (by implication) to send out (properly, on a mission) literally or figuratively
KJV usage: put in, send (away, forth, out), set (at liberty).
Pronounce: ap-os-tel'-lo
Origin: from 575 and 4724
hemas (Greek #2248)
KJV usage: our, us, we.
Pronounce: hay-mas'
Origin: accusative case plural of 1473
pros (Greek #4314)
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated)
KJV usage: about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
Pronounce: pros
Origin: a strengthened form of 4253
se (Greek #4571)
KJV usage: thee, thou, X thy house.
Pronounce: seh
Origin: accusative case singular of 4771
, saying
lego (Greek #3004)
properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean
KJV usage: ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter.
Pronounce: leg'-o
Origin: a primary verb
, Art
ei (Greek #1488)
thou art
KJV usage: art, be.
Pronounce: i
Origin: second person singular present of 1510
su (Greek #4771)
KJV usage: thou. See also 4571, 4671, 4675; and for the plural 5209, 5210, 5213, 5216.
Pronounce: soo
Origin: the person pronoun of the second person singular
he that should come
erchomai (Greek #2064)
middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others being supplied by a kindred (middle voice) ἐλεύθομαι (el-yoo'-thom-ahee), or (active) ἔλθω (el'-tho), which do not otherwise occur) to come or go (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively)
KJV usage: accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be set.
Pronounce: er'-khom-ahee
? or
e (Greek #2228)
disjunctive, or; comparative, than
KJV usage: and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be, (n-)or (else), rather, save, than, that, what, yea. Often used in connection with other particles. Compare especially 2235, 2260, 2273.
Pronounce: ay
Origin: a primary particle of distinction between two connected terms
look we
prosdokao (Greek #4328)
to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await
KJV usage: (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait for.
Pronounce: pros-dok-ah'-o
Origin: from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch)
for another
prosdokao (Greek #4328)
to anticipate (in thought, hope or fear); by implication, to await
KJV usage: (be in) expect(-ation), look (for), when looked, tarry, wait for.
Pronounce: pros-dok-ah'-o
Origin: from 4314 and dokeuo (to watch)
allos (Greek #243)
"else," i.e. different (in many applications)
KJV usage: more, one (another), (an-, some an-)other(-s, -wise).
Pronounce: al'-los
Origin: a primary word
8:19   Then
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
pros (Greek #4314)
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated)
KJV usage: about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
Pronounce: pros
Origin: a strengthened form of 4253
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
his mother
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
meter (Greek #3384)
a "mother" (literally or figuratively, immediate or remote)
KJV usage: mother.
Pronounce: may'-tare
Origin: apparently a primary word
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
adephos (Greek #80)
a brother (literally or figuratively) near or remote (much like 1)
KJV usage: brother.
Pronounce: ad-el-fos'
Origin: from 1 (as a connective particle) and δελφύς (the womb)
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
dunamai (Greek #1410)
to be able or possible
KJV usage: be able, can (do, + -not), could, may, might, be possible, be of power.
Pronounce: doo'-nam-ahee
Origin: of uncertain affinity
ou (Greek #3756)
the absolute negative (compare 3361) adverb; no or not
KJV usage: + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, (can-)not, + nothing, + special, un(-worthy), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372.
Pronounce: oo
Origin: οὐκ (ook), and (before an aspirate) οὐχ (ookh) a primary word
suntugchano (Greek #4940)
to chance together, i.e. meet with (reach)
KJV usage: come at.
Pronounce: soon-toong-khan'-o
Origin: from 4862 and 5177
at him
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
dia (Greek #1223)
through (in very wide applications, local, causal, or occasional)
KJV usage: after, always, among, at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) ... fore, from, in, by occasion of, of, by reason of, for sake, that, thereby, therefore, X though, through(-out), to, wherefore, with (-in). In composition it retains the same general importance.
Pronounce: dee-ah'
Origin: a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act
the press
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
ochlos (Greek #3793)
a throng (as borne along); by implication, the rabble; by extension, a class of people; figuratively, a riot
KJV usage: company, multitude, number (of people), people, press.
Pronounce: okh'los
Origin: from a derivative of 2192 (meaning a vehicle)
11:6   For
hos (Greek #3739)
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that
KJV usage: one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757.
Pronounce: hos
Origin: ἥ (hay), and neuter ὅ (ho) probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588)
epeide (Greek #1894)
since now, i.e. (of time) when, or (of cause) whereas
KJV usage: after that, because, for (that, -asmuch as), seeing, since.
Pronounce: ep-i-day'
Origin: from 1893 and 1211
a friend
philos (Greek #5384)
actively, fond, i.e. friendly (still as a noun, an associate, neighbor, etc.)
KJV usage: friend.
Pronounce: fee'-los
Origin: properly, dear, i.e. a friend
of mine
mou (Greek #3450)
of me
KJV usage: I, me, mine (own), my.
Pronounce: moo
Origin: the simpler form of 1700
in his
ek (Greek #1537)
or ἐξ (ex) a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote)
KJV usage: after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond), by (the means of), exceedingly, (+ abundantly above), for(- th), from (among, forth, up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X hereby, + very highly, in,, (because, by reason) of, off (from), on, out among (from, of), over, since, X thenceforth, through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out). Often used in composition, with the same general import; often of completion.
Pronounce: ek
hodos (Greek #3598)
a road; by implication, a progress (the route, act or distance); figuratively, a mode or means
KJV usage: journey, (high-)way.
Pronounce: hod-os'
Origin: apparently a primary word
is come
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
pros (Greek #4314)
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated)
KJV usage: about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
Pronounce: pros
Origin: a strengthened form of 4253
me (Greek #3165)
KJV usage: I, me, my.
Pronounce: meh
Origin: a shorter (and probably originally) form of 1691
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
I have
echo (Greek #2192)
(used in certain tenses only) a primary verb; to hold (used in very various applications, literally or figuratively, direct or remote; such as possession; ability, contiuity, relation, or condition)
KJV usage: be (able, X hold, possessed with), accompany, + begin to amend, can(+ -not), X conceive, count, diseased, do + eat, + enjoy, + fear, following, have, hold, keep, + lack, + go to law, lie, + must needs, + of necessity, + need, next, + recover, + reign, + rest, + return, X sick, take for, + tremble, + uncircumcised, use.
Pronounce: ekh'-o
Origin: σχέω (skheh'-o)
ou (Greek #3756)
the absolute negative (compare 3361) adverb; no or not
KJV usage: + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, (can-)not, + nothing, + special, un(-worthy), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372.
Pronounce: oo
Origin: οὐκ (ook), and (before an aspirate) οὐχ (ookh) a primary word
to set before
paratithemi (Greek #3908)
to place alongside, i.e. present (food, truth); by implication, to deposit (as a trust or for protection)
KJV usage: allege, commend, commit (the keeping of), put forth, set before.
Pronounce: par-at-ith'-ay-mee
Origin: from 3844 and 5087
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
12:51   Suppose ye
dokeo (Greek #1380)
to think; by implication, to seem (truthfully or uncertainly)
KJV usage: be accounted, (of own) please(-ure), be of reputation, seem (good), suppose, think, trow.
Pronounce: dok-eh'-o
Origin: a prolonged form of a primary verb, δόκω (dok'-o) (used only in an alternate in certain tenses; compare the base of 1166) of the same meaning
hoti (Greek #3754)
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because
KJV usage: as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why.
Pronounce: hot'-ee
Origin: neuter of 3748 as conjunction
I am come
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
to give
didomi (Greek #1325)
to give (used in a very wide application, properly, or by implication, literally or figuratively; greatly modified by the connection)
KJV usage: adventure, bestow, bring forth, commit, deliver (up), give, grant, hinder, make, minister, number, offer, have power, put, receive, set, shew, smite (+ with the hand), strike (+ with the palm of the hand), suffer, take, utter, yield.
Pronounce: did'-o-mee
Origin: a prolonged form of a primary verb (which is used as an alternative in most of the tenses)
eirene (Greek #1515)
peace (literally or figuratively); by implication, prosperity
KJV usage: one, peace, quietness, rest, + set at one again.
Pronounce: i-ray'-nay
Origin: probably from a primary verb εἴρω (to join)
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
ge (Greek #1093)
soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application)
KJV usage: country, earth(-ly), ground, land, world.
Pronounce: ghay
Origin: contracted from a primary word
? I tell
lego (Greek #3004)
properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean
KJV usage: ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter.
Pronounce: leg'-o
Origin: a primary verb
humin (Greek #5213)
to (with or by) you
KJV usage: ye, you, your(-selves).
Pronounce: hoo-min'
Origin: irregular dative case of 5210
, Nay
ouchi (Greek #3780)
not indeed
KJV usage: nay, not.
Pronounce: oo-khee'
Origin: intensive of 3756
; but
alla (Greek #235)
properly, other things, i.e. (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations)
KJV usage: and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet.
Pronounce: al-lah'
Origin: neuter plural of 243
e (Greek #2228)
disjunctive, or; comparative, than
KJV usage: and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be, (n-)or (else), rather, save, than, that, what, yea. Often used in connection with other particles. Compare especially 2235, 2260, 2273.
Pronounce: ay
Origin: a primary particle of distinction between two connected terms
diamerismos (Greek #1267)
disunion (of opinion and conduct)
KJV usage: division.
Pronounce: dee-am-er-is-mos'
Origin: from 1266
3:23   And
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
Ioannes (Greek #2491)
Joannes (i.e. Jochanan), the name of four Israelites
KJV usage: John.
Pronounce: ee-o-an'-nace
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03110)
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
en (Greek #2258)
I (thou, etc.) was (wast or were)
KJV usage: + agree, be, X have (+ charge of), hold, use, was(-t), were.
Pronounce: ane
Origin: imperfect of 1510
baptizo (Greek #907)
to immerse, submerge; to make whelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism
KJV usage: Baptist, baptize, wash.
Pronounce: bap-tid'-zo
Origin: from a derivative of 911
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
Ainon (Greek #137)
Ænon, a place in Palestine
KJV usage: Ænon.
Pronounce: ahee-nohn'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (a derivative of 5869, place of springs)
eggus (Greek #1451)
near (literally or figuratively, of place or time)
KJV usage: from , at hand, near, nigh (at hand, unto), ready.
Pronounce: eng-goos'
Origin: from a primary verb ἄγχω (to squeeze or throttle; akin to the base of 43)
to Salim
Saleim (Greek #4530)
Salim, a place in Palestine
KJV usage: Salim.
Pronounce: sal-ime'
Origin: probably from the same as 4531
, because
hoti (Greek #3754)
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because
KJV usage: as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why.
Pronounce: hot'-ee
Origin: neuter of 3748 as conjunction
there was
en (Greek #2258)
I (thou, etc.) was (wast or were)
KJV usage: + agree, be, X have (+ charge of), hold, use, was(-t), were.
Pronounce: ane
Origin: imperfect of 1510
polus (Greek #4183)
(singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely
KJV usage: abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en (-times)), plenteous, sore, straitly. Compare 4118, 4119.
Pronounce: pol-oos'
Origin: including the forms from the alternate πολλός
hudor (Greek #5204)
water (as if rainy) literally or figuratively
KJV usage: water.
Pronounce: hoo'-dore
Origin: ὕδατος (hoo'-dat-os), etc. from the base of 5205
ekei (Greek #1563)
there; by extension, thither
KJV usage: there, thither(-ward), (to) yonder (place).
Pronounce: ek-i'
Origin: of uncertain affinity
: and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
they came
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
were baptized
baptizo (Greek #907)
to immerse, submerge; to make whelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism
KJV usage: Baptist, baptize, wash.
Pronounce: bap-tid'-zo
Origin: from a derivative of 911
8:2  And
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
early in the morning
orthros (Greek #3722)
dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn
KJV usage: early in the morning.
Pronounce: or'-thros
Origin: from the same as 3735
he came
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
palin (Greek #3825)
(adverbially) anew, i.e. (of place) back, (of time) once more, or (conjunctionally) furthermore or on the other hand
KJV usage: again.
Pronounce: pal'-in
Origin: probably from the same as 3823 (through the idea of oscillatory repetition)
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
the temple
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
hieron (Greek #2411)
a sacred place, i.e. the entire precincts (whereas 3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere)
KJV usage: temple.
Pronounce: hee-er-on'
Origin: neuter of 2413
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
pas (Greek #3956)
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole
KJV usage: all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever.
Pronounce: pas
Origin: including all the forms of declension
the people
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
laos (Greek #2992)
a people (in general; thus differing from 1218, which denotes one's own populace)
KJV usage: people.
Pronounce: lah-os'
Origin: apparently a primary word
erchomai (Greek #2064)
middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others being supplied by a kindred (middle voice) ἐλεύθομαι (el-yoo'-thom-ahee), or (active) ἔλθω (el'-tho), which do not otherwise occur) to come or go (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively)
KJV usage: accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be set.
Pronounce: er'-khom-ahee
pros (Greek #4314)
a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated)
KJV usage: about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
Pronounce: pros
Origin: a strengthened form of 4253
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
; and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
he sat down
kathizo (Greek #2523)
to seat down, i.e. set (figuratively, appoint); intransitively, to sit (down); figuratively, to settle (hover, dwell)
KJV usage: continue, set, sit (down), tarry.
Pronounce: kath-id'-zo
Origin: another (active) form for 2516
, and taught
didasko (Greek #1321)
to teach (in the same broad application)
KJV usage: teach.
Pronounce: did-as'-ko
Origin: a prolonged (causative) form of a primary verb δάω (to learn)
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
5:21   And
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
when they heard
akouo (Greek #191)
to hear (in various senses)
KJV usage: give (in the) audience (of), come (to the ears), (shall) hear(-er, -ken), be noised, be reported, understand.
Pronounce: ak-oo'-o
Origin: a primary verb
that, they entered
eiserchomai (Greek #1525)
to enter (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: X arise, come (in, into), enter in(-to), go in (through).
Pronounce: ice-er'-khom-ahee
Origin: from 1519 and 2064
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
the temple
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
hieron (Greek #2411)
a sacred place, i.e. the entire precincts (whereas 3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere)
KJV usage: temple.
Pronounce: hee-er-on'
Origin: neuter of 2413
early in the morning
hupo (Greek #5259)
under, i.e. (with the genitive case) of place (beneath), or with verbs (the agency or means, through); (with the accusative case) of place (whither (underneath) or where (below) or time (when (at))
KJV usage: among, by, from, in, of, under, with. In the comparative, it retains the same general applications, especially of inferior position or condition, and specially, covertly or moderately.
Pronounce: hoop-o'
Origin: a primary preposition
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
orthros (Greek #3722)
dawn (as sun-rise, rising of light); by extension, morn
KJV usage: early in the morning.
Pronounce: or'-thros
Origin: from the same as 3735
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
didasko (Greek #1321)
to teach (in the same broad application)
KJV usage: teach.
Pronounce: did-as'-ko
Origin: a prolonged (causative) form of a primary verb δάω (to learn)
. But
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
the high priest
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
archiereus (Greek #749)
the high-priest (literally, of the Jews, typically, Christ); by extension a chief priest
KJV usage: chief (high) priest, chief of the priests.
Pronounce: ar-khee-er-yuce'
Origin: from 746 and 2409
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
they that were
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
sun (Greek #4862)
with or together (but much closer than 3326 or 3844), i.e. by association, companionship, process, resemblance, possession, instrumentality, addition, etc.
KJV usage: beside, with. In composition it has similar applications, including completeness.
Pronounce: soon
Origin: a primary preposition denoting union
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
sugkaleo (Greek #4779)
to convoke
KJV usage: call together.
Pronounce: soong-kal-eh'-o
Origin: from 4862 and 2564
the council
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
sunedrion (Greek #4892)
a joint session, i.e. (specially), the Jewish Sanhedrin; by analogy, a subordinate tribunal
KJV usage: council.
Pronounce: soon-ed'-ree-on
Origin: neuter of a presumed derivative of a compound of 4862 and the base of 1476
sugkaleo (Greek #4779)
to convoke
KJV usage: call together.
Pronounce: soong-kal-eh'-o
Origin: from 4862 and 2564
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
pas (Greek #3956)
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole
KJV usage: all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever.
Pronounce: pas
Origin: including all the forms of declension
the senate
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
gerousia (Greek #1087)
the eldership, i.e. (collectively) the Jewish Sanhedrin
KJV usage: senate.
Pronounce: gher-oo-see'-ah
Origin: from 1088
of the children
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
huios (Greek #5207)
a "son" (sometimes of animals), used very widely of immediate, remote or figuratively, kinship
KJV usage: child, foal, son.
Pronounce: hwee-os'
Origin: apparently a primary word
of Israel
Israel (Greek #2474)
Israel (i.e. Jisrael), the adopted name of Jacob, including his descendants (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: Israel.
Pronounce: is-rah-ale'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03478)
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
apostello (Greek #649)
set apart, i.e. (by implication) to send out (properly, on a mission) literally or figuratively
KJV usage: put in, send (away, forth, out), set (at liberty).
Pronounce: ap-os-tel'-lo
Origin: from 575 and 4724
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
the prison
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
desmoterion (Greek #1201)
a place of bondage, i.e. a dungeon
KJV usage: prison.
Pronounce: des-mo-tay'-ree-on
Origin: from a derivative of 1199 (equivalent to 1196)
to have
ago (Greek #71)
properly, to lead; by implication, to bring, drive, (reflexively) go, (specially) pass (time), or (figuratively) induce
KJV usage: be, bring (forth), carry, (let) go, keep, lead away, be open.
Pronounce: ag'-o
Origin: a primary verb
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
ago (Greek #71)
properly, to lead; by implication, to bring, drive, (reflexively) go, (specially) pass (time), or (figuratively) induce
KJV usage: be, bring (forth), carry, (let) go, keep, lead away, be open.
Pronounce: ag'-o
Origin: a primary verb
5:22  But
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
the officers
huperetes (Greek #5257)
an under-oarsman, i.e. (generally) subordinate (assistant, sexton, constable)
KJV usage: minister, officer, servant.
Pronounce: hoop-ay-ret'-ace
Origin: from 5259 and a derivative of ἐρέσσω (to row)
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
, and
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
heurisko (Greek #2147)
εὕρω (hyoo'-ro), which (together with another cognate form) εὑρέω (hyoo-reh'-o) is used for it in all the tenses except the present and imperfect to find (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: find, get, obtain, perceive, see.
Pronounce: hyoo-ris'-ko
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
ou (Greek #3756)
the absolute negative (compare 3361) adverb; no or not
KJV usage: + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, (can-)not, + nothing, + special, un(-worthy), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372.
Pronounce: oo
Origin: οὐκ (ook), and (before an aspirate) οὐχ (ookh) a primary word
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
the prison
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
phulake (Greek #5438)
a guarding or (concretely, guard), the act, the person; figuratively, the place, the condition, or (specially), the time (as a division of day or night), literally or figuratively
KJV usage: cage, hold, (im-)prison(-ment), ward, watch.
Pronounce: foo-lak-ay'
Origin: from 5442
, they returned
anastrepho (Greek #390)
to overturn; also to return; by implication, to busy oneself, i.e. remain, live
KJV usage: abide, behave self, have conversation, live, overthrow, pass, return, be used.
Pronounce: an-as-tref'-o
Origin: from 303 and 4762
, and
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
apaggello (Greek #518)
to announce
KJV usage: bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell.
Pronounce: ap-ang-el'-lo
Origin: from 575 and the base of 32
5:25  Then
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
tis (Greek #5100)
some or any person or object
KJV usage: a (kind of), any (man, thing, thing at all), certain (thing), divers, he (every) man, one (X thing), ought, + partly, some (man, -body, - thing, -what), (+ that no-)thing, what(-soever), X wherewith, whom(-soever), whose(-soever).
Pronounce: tis
Origin: an enclitic indefinite pronoun
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
apaggello (Greek #518)
to announce
KJV usage: bring word (again), declare, report, shew (again), tell.
Pronounce: ap-ang-el'-lo
Origin: from 575 and the base of 32
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
, saying
lego (Greek #3004)
properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean
KJV usage: ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter.
Pronounce: leg'-o
Origin: a primary verb
, Behold
hoti (Greek #3754)
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because
KJV usage: as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why.
Pronounce: hot'-ee
Origin: neuter of 3748 as conjunction
idou (Greek #2400)
second person singular imperative middle voice of 1492; used as imperative lo!; --behold, lo, see.
Pronounce: id-oo'
, the men
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
aner (Greek #435)
a man (properly as an individual male)
KJV usage: fellow, husband, man, sir.
Pronounce: an'-ayr
Origin: a primary word (compare 444)
hos (Greek #3739)
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that
KJV usage: one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757.
Pronounce: hos
Origin: ἥ (hay), and neuter ὅ (ho) probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588)
ye put
tithemi (Greek #5087)
θέω (theh'-o) (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses) to place (in the widest application, literally and figuratively; properly, in a passive or horizontal posture, and thus different from 2476, which properly denotes an upright and active position, while 2749 is properly reflexive and utterly prostrate)
KJV usage: + advise, appoint, bow, commit, conceive, give, X kneel down, lay (aside, down, up), make, ordain, purpose, put, set (forth), settle, sink down.
Pronounce: tith'-ay-mee
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
phulake (Greek #5438)
a guarding or (concretely, guard), the act, the person; figuratively, the place, the condition, or (specially), the time (as a division of day or night), literally or figuratively
KJV usage: cage, hold, (im-)prison(-ment), ward, watch.
Pronounce: foo-lak-ay'
Origin: from 5442
eisi (Greek #1526)
they are
KJV usage: agree, are, be, dure, X is, were.
Pronounce: i-see'
Origin: 3d person plural present indicative of 1510
histemi (Greek #2476)
to stand (transitively or intransitively), used in various applications (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: abide, appoint, bring, continue, covenant, establish, hold up, lay, present, set (up), stanch, stand (by, forth, still, up). Compare 5087.
Pronounce: his'-tay-mee
Origin: a prolonged form of a primary στάω (stah'-o) (of the same meaning, and used for it in certain tenses)
en (Greek #1722)
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.
KJV usage: about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (... sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition.
Pronounce: en
Origin: a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537)
the temple
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
hieron (Greek #2411)
a sacred place, i.e. the entire precincts (whereas 3485 denotes the central sanctuary itself) of the Temple (at Jerusalem or elsewhere)
KJV usage: temple.
Pronounce: hee-er-on'
Origin: neuter of 2413
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
didasko (Greek #1321)
to teach (in the same broad application)
KJV usage: teach.
Pronounce: did-as'-ko
Origin: a prolonged (causative) form of a primary verb δάω (to learn)
the people
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
laos (Greek #2992)
a people (in general; thus differing from 1218, which denotes one's own populace)
KJV usage: people.
Pronounce: lah-os'
Origin: apparently a primary word
9:26   And
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
when Saul
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Saulos (Greek #4569)
Saulus (i.e. Shaul), the Jewish name of Paul
KJV usage: Saul.
Pronounce: sow'-los
Origin: of Hebrew origin, the same as 4549
was come
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
Hierousalem (Greek #2419)
Hierusalem (i.e. Jerushalem), the capitol of Palestine
KJV usage: Jerusalem. Compare 2414.
Pronounce: hee-er-oo-sal-ame'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03389)
, he assayed
peirao (Greek #3987)
to test (subjectively), i.e. (reflexively) to attempt
KJV usage: assay.
Pronounce: pi-rah'-o
Origin: from 3984
to join himself
kollao (Greek #2853)
to glue, i.e. (passively or reflexively) to stick (figuratively)
KJV usage: cleave, join (self), keep company.
Pronounce: kol-lah'-o
Origin: from κόλλα ("glue")
to the disciples
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
mathetes (Greek #3101)
a learner, i.e. pupil
KJV usage: disciple.
Pronounce: math-ay-tes'
Origin: from 3129
: but
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
they were
phobeo (Greek #5399)
to frighten, i.e. (passively) to be alarmed; by analogy, to be in awe of, i.e. revere
KJV usage: be (+ sore) afraid, fear (exceedingly), reverence.
Pronounce: fob-eh'-o
Origin: from 5401
pas (Greek #3956)
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole
KJV usage: all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever.
Pronounce: pas
Origin: including all the forms of declension
phobeo (Greek #5399)
to frighten, i.e. (passively) to be alarmed; by analogy, to be in awe of, i.e. revere
KJV usage: be (+ sore) afraid, fear (exceedingly), reverence.
Pronounce: fob-eh'-o
Origin: from 5401
of him
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
, and believed
pisteuo (Greek #4100)
to have faith (in, upon, or with respect to, a person or thing), i.e. credit; by implication, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ)
KJV usage: believe(-r), commit (to trust), put in trust with.
Pronounce: pist-yoo'-o
Origin: from 4102
me (Greek #3361)
(adverb) not, (conjunction) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer (whereas 3756 expects an affirmative one)) whether
KJV usage: any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, (can-)not, nothing, that not, un(-taken), without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also 3362, 3363, 3364, 3372, 3373, 3375, 3378.
Pronounce: may
Origin: a primary particle of qualified negation (whereas 3756 expresses an absolute denial)
hoti (Greek #3754)
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because
KJV usage: as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why.
Pronounce: hot'-ee
Origin: neuter of 3748 as conjunction
he was
esti (Greek #2076)
he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are
KJV usage: are, be(-long), call, X can(-not), come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle.
Pronounce: es-tee'
Origin: third person singular present indicative of 1510
a disciple
mathetes (Greek #3101)
a learner, i.e. pupil
KJV usage: disciple.
Pronounce: math-ay-tes'
Origin: from 3129
9:39   Then
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
Petros (Greek #4074)
a (piece of) rock (larger than 3037); as a name, Petrus, an apostle
KJV usage: Peter, rock. Compare 2786.
Pronounce: pet'-ros
Origin: apparently a primary word
anistemi (Greek #450)
to stand up (literal or figurative, transitive or intransitive)
KJV usage: arise, lift up, raise up (again), rise (again), stand up(-right).
Pronounce: an-is'-tay-mee
Origin: from 303 and 2476
and went
sunerchomai (Greek #4905)
to convene, depart in company with, associate with, or (specially), cohabit (conjugally)
KJV usage: accompany, assemble (with), come (together), come (company, go) with, resort.
Pronounce: soon-er'-khom-ahee
Origin: from 4862 and 2064
with them
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
. When
hos (Greek #3739)
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that
KJV usage: one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757.
Pronounce: hos
Origin: ἥ (hay), and neuter ὅ (ho) probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588)
he was come
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
, they brought him
anago (Greek #321)
to lead up; by extension to bring out; specially, to sail away
KJV usage: bring (again, forth, up again), depart, launch (forth), lead (up), loose, offer, sail, set forth, take up.
Pronounce: an-ag'-o
Origin: from 303 and 71
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
the upper chamber
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
huperoion (Greek #5253)
a higher part of the house, i.e. apartment in the third story
KJV usage: upper chamber (room).
Pronounce: hoop-er-o'-on
Origin: neuter of a derivative of 5228
: and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
pas (Greek #3956)
apparently a primary word; all, any, every, the whole
KJV usage: all (manner of, means), alway(-s), any (one), X daily, + ever, every (one, way), as many as, + no(-thing), X thoroughly, whatsoever, whole, whosoever.
Pronounce: pas
Origin: including all the forms of declension
the widows
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
chera (Greek #5503)
a widow (as lacking a husband), literally or figuratively
KJV usage: widow.
Pronounce: khay'-rah
Origin: feminine of a presumed derivative apparently from the base of 5490 through the idea of deficiency
stood by
paristemi (Greek #3936)
to stand beside, i.e. (transitively) to exhibit, proffer, (specially), recommend, (figuratively) substantiate; or (intransitively) to be at hand (or ready), aid
KJV usage: assist, bring before, command, commend, give presently, present, prove, provide, shew, stand (before, by, here, up, with), yield.
Pronounce: par-is'-tay-mee
Origin: παριστάνω (par-is-tan'-o) from 3844 and 2476
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
klaio (Greek #2799)
to sob, i.e. wail aloud (whereas 1145 is rather to cry silently)
KJV usage: bewail, weep.
Pronounce: klah'-yo
Origin: of uncertain affinity
, and
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
epideiknumi (Greek #1925)
to exhibit (physically or mentally)
KJV usage: shew.
Pronounce: ep-ee-dike'-noo-mee
Origin: from 1909 and 1166
the coats
chiton (Greek #5509)
a tunic or shirt
KJV usage: clothes, coat, garment.
Pronounce: khee-tone'
Origin: of foreign origin (03801)
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
himation (Greek #2440)
a dress (inner or outer)
KJV usage: apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, robe, vesture.
Pronounce: him-at'-ee-on
Origin: neuter of a presumed derivative of ennumi (to put on)
hosos (Greek #3745)
as (much, great, long, etc.) as
KJV usage: all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), (in-)asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever).
Pronounce: hos'-os
Origin: by reduplication from 3739
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
Dorkas (Greek #1393)
Dorcas, a Christian woman
KJV usage: Dorcas.
Pronounce: dor-kas'
Origin: gazelle
poieo (Greek #4160)
to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct)
KJV usage: abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield. Compare 4238.
Pronounce: poy-eh'-o
Origin: apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary
, while she was
on (Greek #5607)
and the neuter ὄν (on) present participle of 1510; being
KJV usage: be, come, have.
Pronounce: oan
Origin: οὖσα (oo'-sah)
meta (Greek #3326)
properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive association, or accusative succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between 575 or 1537 and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722 and less close than 4862)
KJV usage: after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out). Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence.
Pronounce: met-ah'
Origin: a primary preposition (often used adverbially)
autos (Greek #846)
the reflexive pronoun self, used (alone or in the comparative 1438) of the third person , and (with the proper personal pronoun) of the other persons
KJV usage: her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own, said, (self-), the) same, ((him-, my-, thy- )self, (your-)selves, she, that, their(-s), them(-selves), there(-at, - by, -in, -into, -of, -on, -with), they, (these) things, this (man), those, together, very, which. Compare 848.
Pronounce: ow-tos'
Origin: from the particle αὖ (perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind) (backward)
1 Corinthians
16:3   And
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
hotan (Greek #3752)
whenever (implying hypothesis or more or less uncertainty); also causatively (conjunctionally) inasmuch as
KJV usage: as long (soon) as, that, + till, when(-soever), while.
Pronounce: hot'-an
Origin: from 3753 and 302
I come
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
, whomsoever
hos (Greek #3739)
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that
KJV usage: one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc. See also 3757.
Pronounce: hos
Origin: ἥ (hay), and neuter ὅ (ho) probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588)
ye shall approve
ean (Greek #1437)
a conditional particle; in case that, provided, etc.; often used in connection with other particles to denote indefiniteness or uncertainty
KJV usage: before, but, except, (and) if, (if) so, (what-, whither-)soever, though, when (-soever), whether (or), to whom, (who-)so(-ever). See 3361.
Pronounce: eh-an'
Origin: from 1487 and 302
dokimazo (Greek #1381)
to test (literally or figuratively); by implication, to approve
KJV usage: allow, discern, examine, X like, (ap-)prove, try.
Pronounce: dok-im-ad'-zo
Origin: from 1384
dia (Greek #1223)
through (in very wide applications, local, causal, or occasional)
KJV usage: after, always, among, at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) ... fore, from, in, by occasion of, of, by reason of, for sake, that, thereby, therefore, X though, through(-out), to, wherefore, with (-in). In composition it retains the same general importance.
Pronounce: dee-ah'
Origin: a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act
your letters
epistole (Greek #1992)
a written message
KJV usage: "epistle," letter.
Pronounce: ep-is-tol-ay'
Origin: from 1989
, them
toutous (Greek #5128)
these (persons, as objective of verb or preposition)
KJV usage: such, them, these, this.
Pronounce: too'-tooce
Origin: accusative case plural masculine of 3778
will I send
pempo (Greek #3992)
to dispatch (from the subjective view or point of departure, whereas ἵημι (as a stronger form of εἶμι) refers rather to the objective point or terminus ad quem, and 4724 denotes properly, the orderly motion involved), especially on a temporary errand; also to transmit, bestow, or wield
KJV usage: send, thrust in.
Pronounce: pem'-po
Origin: apparently a primary verb
to bring
appohero (Greek #667)
to bear off (literally or relatively)
KJV usage: bring, carry (away).
Pronounce: ap-of-er'-o
Origin: from 575 and 5342
humon (Greek #5216)
of (from or concerning) you
KJV usage: ye, you, your (own, -selves).
Pronounce: hoo-mone'
Origin: genitive case of 5210
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
charis (Greek #5485)
graciousness (as gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal, figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude)
KJV usage: acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace(- ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy).
Pronounce: khar'-ece
Origin: from 5463
eis (Greek #1519)
to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases
KJV usage: (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
Pronounce: ice
Origin: a primary preposition
Hierousalem (Greek #2419)
Hierusalem (i.e. Jerushalem), the capitol of Palestine
KJV usage: Jerusalem. Compare 2414.
Pronounce: hee-er-oo-sal-ame'
Origin: of Hebrew origin (03389)
9:11   But
de (Greek #1161)
but, and, etc.
KJV usage: also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
Pronounce: deh
Origin: a primary particle (adversative or continuative)
Christos (Greek #5547)
anointed, i.e. the Messiah, an epithet of Jesus
KJV usage: Christ.
Pronounce: khris-tos'
Origin: from 5548
being come
paraginomai (Greek #3854)
to become near, i.e. approach (have arrived); by implication, to appear publicly
KJV usage: come, go, be present.
Pronounce: par-ag-in'-om-ahee
Origin: from 3844 and 1096
an high priest
archiereus (Greek #749)
the high-priest (literally, of the Jews, typically, Christ); by extension a chief priest
KJV usage: chief (high) priest, chief of the priests.
Pronounce: ar-khee-er-yuce'
Origin: from 746 and 2409
of good things
agathos (Greek #18)
"good" (in any sense, often as noun)
KJV usage: benefit, good(-s, things), well. Compare 2570.
Pronounce: ag-ath-os'
Origin: a primary word
to come
mello (Greek #3195)
to intend, i.e. be about to be, do, or suffer something (of persons or things, especially events; in the sense of purpose, duty, necessity, probability, possibility, or hesitation)
KJV usage: about, after that, be (almost), (that which is, things, + which was for) to come, intend, was to (be), mean, mind, be at the point, (be) ready, + return, shall (begin), (which, that) should (after, afterwards, hereafter) tarry, which was for, will, would, be yet.
Pronounce: mel'-lo
Origin: a strengthened form of 3199 (through the idea of expectation)
, by
dia (Greek #1223)
through (in very wide applications, local, causal, or occasional)
KJV usage: after, always, among, at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) ... fore, from, in, by occasion of, of, by reason of, for sake, that, thereby, therefore, X though, through(-out), to, wherefore, with (-in). In composition it retains the same general importance.
Pronounce: dee-ah'
Origin: a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act
skene (Greek #4633)
a tent or cloth hut (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: habitation, tabernacle.
Pronounce: skay-nay'
Origin: apparently akin to 4632 and 4639
megas (Greek #3173)
big (literally or figuratively, in a very wide application)
KJV usage: (+ fear) exceedingly, great(-est), high, large, loud, mighty, + (be) sore (afraid), strong, X to years.
Pronounce: meg'-as
Origin: (including the prolonged forms, feminine μεγάλη, plural μεγάλοι, etc.; compare also 3176, 3187)
kai (Greek #2532)
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words
KJV usage: and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
Pronounce: kahee
Origin: apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force
more perfect
teleios (Greek #5046)
complete (in various applications of labor, growth, mental and moral character, etc.); neuter (as noun, with 3588) completeness
KJV usage: of full age, man, perfect.
Pronounce: tel'-i-os
Origin: from 5056
skene (Greek #4633)
a tent or cloth hut (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: habitation, tabernacle.
Pronounce: skay-nay'
Origin: apparently akin to 4632 and 4639
, not
ou (Greek #3756)
the absolute negative (compare 3361) adverb; no or not
KJV usage: + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, (can-)not, + nothing, + special, un(-worthy), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372.
Pronounce: oo
Origin: οὐκ (ook), and (before an aspirate) οὐχ (ookh) a primary word
made with hands
cheiropoietos (Greek #5499)
manufactured, i.e. of human construction
KJV usage: made by (make with) hands.
Pronounce: khi-rop-oy'-ay-tos
Origin: from 5495 and a derivative of 4160
, that
touto (Greek #5124)
that thing
KJV usage: here (-unto), it, partly, self(-same), so, that (intent), the same, there(-fore, -unto), this, thus, where(-fore).
Pronounce: too'-to
Origin: neuter singular nominative or accusative case of 3778
is to say
esti (Greek #2076)
he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are
KJV usage: are, be(-long), call, X can(-not), come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle.
Pronounce: es-tee'
Origin: third person singular present indicative of 1510
, not
ou (Greek #3756)
the absolute negative (compare 3361) adverb; no or not
KJV usage: + long, nay, neither, never, no (X man), none, (can-)not, + nothing, + special, un(-worthy), when, + without, + yet but. See also 3364, 3372.
Pronounce: oo
Origin: οὐκ (ook), and (before an aspirate) οὐχ (ookh) a primary word
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections
ktisis (Greek #2937)
original formation (properly, the act; by implication, the thing, literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: building, creation, creature, ordinance.
Pronounce: ktis'-is
Origin: from 2936
houtos (Greek #3778)
the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated)
KJV usage: he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who.
Pronounce: hoo'-tos
Origin: οὗτοι (hoo'-toy), nominative feminine singular αὕτη (how'-tay), and nominative feminine plural αὕται (how'-tahee) from the article 3588 and 846
ktisis (Greek #2937)
original formation (properly, the act; by implication, the thing, literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: building, creation, creature, ordinance.
Pronounce: ktis'-is
Origin: from 2936
ho (Greek #3588)
the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom)
KJV usage: the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
Pronounce: ho
Origin: ἡ (hay), and the neuter τό (to) in all their inflections