Bible Challenger-09-September V.07: A King of Judah's Prayer About the Lord's Ability to Gain Victory

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The first letter of each of the following responses will form the words which a good king of Judah, in need of divine help, said in his prayer regarding the Lord's ability to gain victory with many (men), or with those of no power. [3] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in the answer.
1. Something those in the final days of Christendom will say, belying their actual state of poverty. [3]
2. Something the Lord esteemed more highly than gold, which certain Jews referred to when seeking to add prestige to an oath they were making. [1]
3. Something to which heathen worshippers sacrifice, not recognizing the one true God manifested in the world. [1]
4. That which a cake of barley bread was affirmed to be by one hearing the dream of his compatriot. [3]
5. A stretched compass-point locating the empty place in the cosmology of the world. [1j
6. The manner of walk which an apostle's association with four bald men was supposed to certify. [1]
7. The way in which one who seeks wisdom without faith is like sea waves that are driven with the wind. [1]
8. Something the sun imparts to things of the earth in its daily circuit from one end of heaven to the other. [1]
9. That which is said about "nothing" to those whose faith is as a tiny seed. [1]
10. Something clean and empty which became soiled and filled and broken after being letdown, causing its owner much consternation. [1]
11. That which an Israelite with a large appetite did when he found his food fallen to the ground. [2] Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Treasury. R. Erisman