Bible Challenger-07-July V.07: The Basis for the Christian's Blessed Hope

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
The first letter of each of the following responses will form the word that identifies the manner of our Savior's expected appearing that forms the basis for the Christian's blessed hope. [1] The number in brackets indicates the number of words in the answer. (Additional clues may be found on page 178.)
1. Something to which mortal flesh is likened, to better understand the frailty of this life. [1]
2. That which Simeon foretold concerning the Jewish Messiah in His relationship to the Gentile peoples. [3]
3. A specific group of people on which the color "gray" is deemed to be beauteous. [2]
4. That which describes God's resources in meeting the needs of His people. [1]
5. The name given to a child born at the time of a great cataclysm in Israel, when his grandfather, father, uncle and mother were all taken in death. [1]
6. The similitude of a molten image which the Israelites fashioned to their great dishonor. [1]
7. The undefined magnitude of joy which believers have in Someone unseen, yet greatly loved. [1]
8. A great king whose royal apparel could not compare to the way God clothes the fields. [1]
9. Answers to these questions will be found in the next issue of Christian Treasury. R. Erisman