A Martyr's Letter

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THE following letter of godly John Bradford to his mother a little before he suffered for Christ has a voice to all disciples of the Lord Jesus in these days of ease and self-indulgence, which may God bless to our readers.
“God’s mercy and grace in Christ be more and more perceived of us. Amen.
“My most dear mother in the bowels of Christ, I heartily pray and beseech you to be thankful for me unto God, which thus now taketh me unto Himself. I die not, my good mother, as a thief, a murderer, an adulterer, &c., but I die as a witness of Christ, His gospel and verity, which hitherto I have confessed (I thank God) as well by preaching as by presentment, and now even presently I shall most willingly confirm the same by fire. I knowledge [own] that God most justly might take me hence simply for my sins (which are many, great, and grievous; but the Lord for His mercy in Christ hath pardoned them all, I hope), but now, my dear mother, He taketh me hence by this death, as a confessor and witness that the religion taught by Christ Jesus, the prophets, and the apostles, is God’s truth. The prelates do persecute in me Christ whom they hate, and His truth which they may not abide, because their works are evil, and may not abide the truth and light, lest men should see their darkness. Therefore, my good and most dear mother, give thanks for me to God, that He hath made one to be a witness of His glory; and attend to the truth which (I thank God for it) I have truly taught out of the pulpit of Manchester. Use often and continual prayer to God the Father through Christ. Hearken, as you may, to the Scriptures: serve God after His word, and not after custom: beware of the Romish religion in England, defile not yourself with it; carry Christ’s cross, as He shall lay it upon your back: forgive them that kill me: pray for them, for they know not what they do: commit my cause to God our Father: be mindful of both your daughters, to help them as you can. I send all my writings to you by my brother Roger; do with them as you will, because I cannot as I would, he can tell you more of my mind. I have nothing to give you, or to leave behind me for you, only I pray God my Father, for Christ’s sake, to bless you and keep you from evil. He give you patience, He make you thankful; as for me... I confess to the whole world, I die and depart this life in hope of a much better, which I look for at the hands of God my Father, through the merits of His dear Son Jesus Christ. Thus, my dear mother, I take my last farewell to you in this life, beseeching the Almighty and Eternal Father by Christ to grant us to meet in the life to come, where we shall give Him continual thanks and praise forever and ever. Amen.
“Out of prison, the 24th June 1555,
“Your son in the Lord,
FEAR NOT THEM WHICH KILL THE BODY, BUT ARE NOT ABLE TO KILL THE SOUL: BUT RATHER FEAR HIM WHICH IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN HELL. Matt. 10:2828And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28).