Our Opening Word

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THIS year FAITHFUL WORDS attains its majority; it is twenty-one years of age! It is no little favor to have been allowed for so many years to continue addressing our readers on the one subject of the gospel, and to be joined together in the work with so many who have earnestly co-operated in the one aim of speaking of Christ.
We look back with grief over the years that are past, as we recall beloved fellow-workers who are here no more, but have ended their course; we look forward with joy as we contemplate the approaching harvest-home, when sower and reaper shall rejoice together.
Will our Christian readers remember our Magazine in their prayers, especially for wisdom for those who write for its pages, that the right words for the times might be given by God and expressed by the writers, for without the aid of God the Spirit all efforts are in vain.
A small penny periodical, as ours, is insignificant in itself, yet every gospel message, however humble, is needed in our day, and we trust that our correspondents will feel the importance of rendering all the help they are able. How much good for time and eternity may accrue through a few words conveyed by means of the humblest instrumentality we cannot assess. Let us each stir up our hearts to do our little for the Master.
We are most grateful for the papers we have received, and would now remind friends who have not as yet sent us papers, that true stories, and helpful articles relating to the gospel, will be welcomed, and especially papers suitable for children and the young. It may interest our correspondents to know that FAITHFUL WORDS has a small circulation in the United States and Canada, also in Australia and other of the Colonies, and that it gains admission into some of the homes of the great in our land as well as to those of the poor.