What we plan, Lord willing (so keep on visiting) …

  1. Add many more collections of Bible Teaching; multiple periodicals coming; uncounted more to be done.
  2. Integrate the Bible Teaching with the Bible Text.
  3. Give users substantial control over how their library is configured, printed, shared, searched, etc.
  4. Add more search features.
  5. Add tunes to our hymnbooks.
  6. In fact, we have a lengthy document of desires and trust you’ll see them steadily appearing on this website, if the Lord leaves us here for a while longer.

What we’ve done …

  1. Scanned or processed PDF files.
  2. Converted to digital text (OCR).
  3. Spell-checked.
  4. Changed references from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals and standardized formatting (with a program we wrote).
  5. Gave all standardized references the ability to show the Bible text when you float the mouse over them.
  6. Converted to American spellings (retaining the ability to display British spellings in the future).
  7. Skimmed each article rapidly for formatting errors.
  8. Divided every book into small sections. (You’ll see why this helps when we add library features later.)
  9. Carefully checked and fixed words written in Greek. (Our programs did a poor job on Greek, so we did the work “by hand.”)
  10. We think the result is a very readable, valuable, free resource in your study of God’s Word.

What we haven’t done …

We did not read through and proof any of the articles as we do our print products. In reality, there are many cases where the computer converted, for example, an “!” to the letter “I,” that a spell-checker can’t catch. We don’t think these errors interfere with the profitable reading of the text, but we hope you’ll help us in correcting them.

What we hope you’ll help us with …

When you notice errors in the text, please simply email us at BTPmail@bibletruthpublishers.com with the correction you see necessary. For example, you might tell us that in Things New and Old, Volume 6, “David’s Three Attitudes,” in the paragraph that begins, “But there is another point,” the word “He” should be changed to “lie.” Having people like you catch this type of error improves this free library for everyone who uses it and frees us up to make more resources available to you as well as to add the dozens of features we have planned for the library. We’ve put thousands of hours into what’s been done so far but there are many thousands of hours to go.