Jesus and the Little Children.

{vi 24602-24605}Mark 10:13-16.
If I should ask the readers of Messages of Love, what Jesus said about little children, I am sure many would be ready to repeat that beautiful verse: “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Yes, dear children, these are the words of Jesus, who came to save little children as well as grown people.
There were some that brought young children to Jesus, in order that He might touch them. There were perhaps mothers or fathers who desired Jesus to bless their little ones. But the disciples did not like this. I suppose they thought Jesus had too much to do, to be troubled by children, and so they rebuked those who brought them. But this was not right, and Jesus “was much displeased.” Jesus was glad to have them bring their little ones to Him for blessing; and He told them that anyone who did not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child would not enter in. Jesus wants us all to be as simple as little babes, and if we come to Him this way we shall get blessing. Jesus did not refuse the little babies they brought to Him. “He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them:”
How beautiful! And Jesus has not changed. He is just the same loving Saviour still, and loves to bless the children now, just as well as then.
If fathers and mothers and those who have the care of little children bring their little ones to Jesus, He will not refuse to bless them. It will be His joy to bless them.
And, you dear children, who are old enough to come to Jesus yourselves, if you come to Him, He will receive you and He will bless you. Oh! then, come to Him, and just place yourselves in His loving arms. Come to Him just as you are, with all your sins, and He will forgive you, and save you, and make you little lambs in His flock; for He has died for you and His blood cleanses every one that comes to Him.
ML 02/23/1902