"His Death."

Tune― “Lux BENIGNA.”
His blood was shed: His heart, His body, broken―
Pierc’d by the spear;
The bread He broke, the wine He gave in token,
Have told it here:
Lord Jesus Christ! Where’er on earth we go,
Thy death we see, Thy death on earth we show!
O Saviour! Thou who barest that Thine own
Received Thee not;
Who barest ALL, ―the terrors of the throne,
And Satan’s plot;
Thou, Lamb of God, made sin, for us hast died;
Beneath the sun Thou here wert crucified!
Thon art not here; but, where Thou hast Thy rest;
We rest in Thee,
Thou in Thy Father,―He who Thee possess’d
Ere light could be:
Eternal word! revealer of His name,
Thou, night or day, abidest still “the same.”
H. K. B.