Hiding from the Gardener

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When we were children living in the old home, with its fruit garden and grassy lawns, we used to hide behind the bushes when we heard the gardener’s footstep, for we were forbidden at certain seasons to play there.
In after years, when the schoolteacher turned his back, we left our sums undone, and spent the time trifling. What is more natural than to seek to hide our evil doings and cover our sins. It is an old habit.
“Thou, God, seest me,” is true everywhere and always. By night and day, in sleep, at play, the eyes of the Lord are upon us, and all things are “naked and opened” unto Him (Heb. 4:1313Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. (Hebrews 4:13)).
To cover sin, God says, is “not to prosper” to confess it, and trust in the blood that cleanseth from all sin, is to be clean before God and at peace with Him.
ML 04/21/1946