He Is Risen!

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A business man stood looking into a shop window at a beautiful painting of the crucifixion of Christ. His attention was so riveted on the picture that he did not notice the a little boy who was standing by him, also looking at the picture.
Presently the child said, “Mister, He died for us!” and slowly he told the story of Jesus and His love, and His death on the cross for us, as he had heard it at Sunday School. Not realizing the effect his words had on the man, he slipped away leaving him still gazing intently at the picture, while the story of the Savior’s love laid hold on his heart.
Then he felt a tug on his coat sleeve. Turning he saw the little fellow again, who pointing to the picture, said with great emphasis: “Mister, HE’S RISEN, and GONE BACK TO HEAVEN, AND HE’S COMING AGAIN.”