
Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:

(honeycomb). (1) The land reached by Saul while in search of his father’s asses (1 Sam. 9:5). It was there he met Samuel the prophet (1 Sam. 9:6-15). (2) A Kohathite Levite, and ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel (1 Sam. 1:1; 1 Chron. 6:35). Called Zophai (1 Chron. 6:26).

Concise Bible Dictionary:

1. An Ephrathite (and Kohathite). Ancestor of Samuel the prophet (1 Sam. 1:1; 1 Chron. 6:35). Called ZOPHAI in 1 Chronicles 6:26.
2. Land adjoining the portion of Benjamin (1 Sam. 9:5). Not identified.

Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:

honeycomb: overflow