"Yet There Is Room."

SINNER! guilty, unforgiven,
Rushing blindly to the tomb,
One brief moment still is given,
Mercy cries, “There yet is room.”
Turn! O turn! nor madly linger;
Turn before it be too late;
Follow truth’s unerring finger,
Pointing thee to mercy’s gate.
Haste! delay not! Jesus calls thee;
Jesus! He who died for thee!
Ere the judgment scene appalls thee,
Haste, O haste, from wrath to flee.
Come! O come! the shadows darken
O’er destruction’s doomed plain;
To the gospel-message hearken,
Lest it reach thee ne’er again.
Sinner! guilty, unforgiven,
Jesus’ blood can wash thee white;
Satan long for thee hath striven,
Angela watch for thee tonight
Come! O come! the struggle ended,
Great thy joy and peace shall be;
Come! in love uncomprehend,
Jesus waits, He calleth THEE.