Ye're A' Welcome Hame.

Tune― “The Auld Hoose.”
YE needna think it’s no’ for you,
An’ syne ye’ll lea’t alane;
He bocht an entrance wi’ His bluid―
An’ ye’re a’ welcome hame.
Ye needna hanker on the road;
If sae, He’s no to blame;
“Come unto Me,” He says to a’―
For ye’re a’ welcome hame.
Ye’re a’ welcome hams, &c.
The beggar man wi’ tattered claes,
The queen wi’ silken train,
Wha pleads the merits o’ His bluid,
Will hae a welcome hame.
The rich, the puir, the young, the auld,
To Jesus are the same;
“Come unto Me,” He says to a’―
For ye’re a’ welcome hame.
Ye’re a’ welcome hame, &c.
Ahint the clouds the sun is bricht,
An’ whiles oor herts are fain
To lea’ the struggle o’ this warl’
An’ flee te you bricht hame.
The mansions o’ the blest are there;
Wi herts a’ free frae pain,
We’ll gang when His guid time comes roon’
For we’re a’ welcome hame.
We’re a’ welcome hame, &c.
We’ll meet wi’ frien’s we kent langsyne
Wha frae oor herts are ta’en;
They cou’dna bide, for Jesus ca’d
Them up to His ain hame.
We’ll meet them, an’ we’ll welcome be
Whaur Jesus is to reign;
We’ll gang when His guid time comes roon’―
For we’re a’ welcome hame.
We’re a’ welcome hate, &c.
J. W.