Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Wolves of Palestine were numerous and the dread of shepherds, as they were a terrible enemy to sheep
(Matt. 7:15; 10:16; John 10:12; Acts 20:29). A wolf typed the rapacity of Benjamin (Gen. 49:27); and the cruelty of Israel’s oppression (Ezek. 22:27); and the destruction of the wicked (Jer. 5:6).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
Arabian Wolf in Jordan
The well-known animal, described in scripture as “ravening,” and seeking its prey in the evening. They are very destructive among the sheep, worrying and destroying more than they can eat. This makes the wolf a fit emblem of the wicked, who molest the sheep and lambs of God’s flock, and even creep in among them. How great will be the change in the millennium is denoted, among other things, by the wolf and the lamb dwelling together (Gen. 49:27; Isa. 11:6; Isa. 65:25; Jer. 5:6; Ezek. 22:27; Hab. 1:8; Zeph. 3:3; Matt. 7:15; Matt. 10:16; Luke 10:3; John 10:12; Acts 20:29). The Hebrew is zeeb, Arabic dhib, the common Canis lupus.
Strong’s Dictionary of Greek Words:
perhaps akin to the base of 3022 (from the whitish hair); a wolf