Why Wilt Thou Linger

 •  1 min. read
Why wilt thou linger?
Why wilt thou die?
God's wrath upon thee,
Judgment so nigh.
Now in salvation's day
Tread the blood-sprinkled way;
Sinner, no more delay,
Jesus will come.
Soon will the Saviour
Close fast the door,
Tidings of mercy
Sound nevermore;
Time's course will soon be run.
Stop then, thou Christless one,
Think of the great white throne,
Judgment will fall.
Then the dread sentence,
"Depart from Me,"
Room for repentance,
Gone, gone for aye.
Endless the sinner's doom,
Darkness and dismal gloom;
Now in God's house there's room,
Jesus will save.
Glory before thee,
Pilgrim, press on;
Share now the sorrow,
Share soon the crown.
Tell forth the Saviour's fame,
Honor His holy name,
Bear now His cross and shame,
Pilgrim, press on.