"Whosoever Will"

Dr. Wreford has asked me to give a few short extracts from a dear soldier’s letters, Pte. A. A. Lincoln, 4th Batt. Yorkshire Regiment. I was privileged to come in touch with him during the war. A Testament was sent to him by Dr. Wreford, and in his first letter he writes: ―
“I have been on the downward track a good while now.”
And how glad we were to read: ―
“I am on my way to Jesus Christ, my Saviour.... God has just washed away my sins.... I know in myself I have been forgiven all my sins. I would like to hear from you very often.”
At his earnest request I wrote to his wife, who he said was a Christian. In her reply it seemed as if she could hardly take in at first such good news was his conversion, and asked if I would let her see one of his letters. And I was much touched to read her reply: ―
“I am very thankful God has turned his heart. I am a happy woman today, that he has turned a new man ... . I have to thank God. I never thought he would turn as he has ... . I thank God with all my heart for being so good to me.’’
It was cheering to get good news from my friend, and to read his desire that other loved ones should get a blessing, and it was a pleasure to send Testaments, etc., to addresses he gave me. He writes: ―
“I am always praying for the dear Doctor, trusting in God he will soon be quite well again. I am finding it a great pleasure reading my New Testament and Guide now, and I seem to know in myself my sins are washed away. Precious blood shed for us all!... I read those chapters you mention in your letters. Dear friend, I hope you will always oblige me with chapter as usual, as I like to read them. I am quite happy now I have got my hooks to read; they are very precious to one who has been, on the downward track.”
My friend was spared to have one short holiday with his beloved wife and child. What joy it must have been to meet, both now treading the narrow way. Then came that heart-breaking news, Killed in action, Sept. 15th 1918. How crushing the blow would have been if the dear wife had not the assurance her husband was trusting in Christ, the One whose precious blood cleanseth from all sin, and to her sorrow she can look forward to the glad reunion in the Saviour’s presence.
I was so glad to know from her letters she realized God has dealt with her in love in taking him, and she is now bravely taking up the daily work necessary to provide for herself and little one. I have just been looking at my friend’s boyish face the was only twenty-three years old). His wife sent photo lately. In what a wonderful way the Lord works to bring sinners to Himself! He is still lingering in mercy over this world. Still that glorious message is going forth, “Whosoever will.” How we long to point sinners to a place of safety ere the door is shut. Will the reader ponder our Lord’s words, “They that were ready went in with Him... and the door was shut” (Matt. 25:1010And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. (Matthew 25:10)).
In an extract from a later letter Mrs. Lincoln writes: ―
“I can assure you I saw a great difference in him when he came home on leave, and I was very happy when he told me he had looked to our Lord Jesus ... My mind is always on my boy.... I must do my duty to his dear son, as he thought a lot of him and loved him much when he was at home.”
I was thinking if it was only this dear man brought to Christ it is worth all efforts. A soul saved, the crushing burden lifted off the Christian wife, the little one brought up to know his “daddy” had gone to heaven. I know all is of sovereign grace; not one word can avail except applied by God’s Holy Spirit, but what a privilege to be used in any little way to carry or send His message A. A. L.