Where Is We Now?

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
SUCH was the question put to me by my little girl, as we were going by train on a journey towards home.
I held a map in my hand, with all the way marked out in plain lines, showing the places at which we were to stop, also many places we should not go near, and the great point to which we were all looking, Home! Much oftener than the train stopped, she would look up into my face with all confidence and say, as she laid her hands on the map, “Where is we now?”
I continued to show her the different towns as they were marked on the map, telling her the distance was getting much shorter each time we looked at the marked out way.
She was quite concerned about the way and the long distance, and more than once left off looking at the map, which was our true guide, and would heave a deep sigh and say, “Isn’t we nearly home now?” and at each of the three stations we stopped at after this, and before we arrived home, she asked, “Is we going to get out here?”
At last the journey came to an end. We had arrived at the very last station. The train stopped, and ALL had to get out. Are my little readers as ready to look at Jesus as the travelers were to get out of the train? We had safely arrived, and were truly thankful.
Now as I think over the journey, and the oft repeated question, I frequently ask myself the question, as now I ask my little readers, “Where are we now?” Stop; before you attempt to answer, and look at the map. Do you know what I mean? I think I can see the glad smile on many little faces as they say, “O, I know, ’tis the Bible, that is the map that will guide us all the way home.”
Yes, you are right; but now I ask YOU, “Where are you now?” Ah! many different answers, I expect, will be given; but what does the map say? Let us look at it together: turn to John 14:66Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6), Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Let us mark first who the speaker is—‘tis Jesus. He says, “I am the way,”....
Let these words search us well, and let us ask ourselves, am I in the way, have I come to Jesus; do I believe in Him; am going home to heaven to be with Him? If you have come to Him, He says, “Him that cometh to Me I will in nowise cast out.” If you have believed on Him, His precious blood has cleansed you from all sin; and O, what joy it is to know that, as the sweet hymn says:
“’Tis Jesus, the first and the last,
Whose Spirit shall guide us safe home.
We will praise Him for all that is past.
And trust Him for all that’s to come.”
O what a happy portion is ours who believe in Jesus! To be able to take the map God has marked out, and speak to Him about it in the happy confidence of children, trusting Him for every step of the way, and singing His praises all the day long. If any little readers have not come to Jesus yet, “Now is the accepted time.” Come just as you are—Jesus calls, Jesus waits your answer. Arise, He calls for you. Precious Savior, may He be your portion through time and’ eternity, is the prayer of one who would seek to bring you to His blessed feet, and truthfully to say, Where are we now? going to heaven. How are we now? all sins forgiven. Where are we now? at Jesus’ feet. How are we now? in Him complete.