What He Has Done

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
No human heart can measure
The depth of all Christ’s woe,
Nor estimate the treasure
Love doth on us bestow.
With praise and adoration,
We look unto the Son;
Respond with admiration
For all that He has done!
Thy life for us was given;
For sinners Thou hast died;
From Thy blest side once riven
Atonement is supplied.
Thy death from sin doth free us,
Doth take away its stain;
Our Father now doth see us,
In Thee made wholly clean.
Till Thou shalt come, Lord Jesus,
We’ll praise Thy holy name;
There’s naught below to please us
Like singing of Thy fame;
So make us then, blest Saviour,
Content to wait for Thee,
To enjoy Thy love and favor
Till we Thy glory see.
E. Tonn (1981)
(Note: The above verses may be sung using any Little Flock Hymn Book tune with “7, 6.” meter.)