Typical and Illustrative Persons

 •  18 min. read  •  grade level: 7
In the Old Testament there is a large and varied store of typical teaching, but the mine will only yield its wealth to the diligent worker. "The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting." The Spirit of God has laid under contribution, persons, places, events, and things in general in teaching Christ to us, and in the unfolding of the circle of Divine truth of which He is the center.
The 39 books comprising the Old Testament are like a picture gallery, but the collection of pictures although large and varied, is meaningless and uninteresting without a guide to explain and a key to unlock the boundless treasure. But the Holy Spirit—the guide into all truth has come—and the "Son" sent from God, the key surely to the whole Word of God; and now these typical pictures stand out before us conveying their precious lessons, and unfolding the Christ of God in His glories and work to our hearts. This kind of teaching is solid food, "belonging to them that are of full age, even to those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."
The dispensational types of Genesis, the redemption types of Exodus, the sacrificial types of Leviticus, the wilderness types of Numbers, the Canaan types of Joshua, the Kingdom types of the historical writings and the prophetic types of the Prophets will yield a harvest both rich and abundant to all who care to labor in this profoundly interesting field of Bible research.
The study of the types, however, require careful handling, and the student will need grace to curb imagination and check severely the mere working of mind or intellect; for our encouragement, however, let us remember that we are endowed with the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16) and the Holy Ghost the power of the new man.
The following list is a brief one, and the remarks upon each character of the briefest kind possible:-
Aaron, mountainous (Heb. 9). Christ, the Christian’s Great High Priest, now within the Veil. Name occurs about 350 times in the Scriptures.
Abel, vapor, vanity (Gen. 4). Christ as a martyr slain for righteousness sake (Psa. 69). Name occurs 12 times in the Scriptures.
Abiathar, father of him that survived (1 Sam. 22:20-23). God's rejected Priest (Abiathar) in connection with God's rejected King (David). Priesthood now allied to a world-rejected Christ. Name occurs about 30 times in the Scriptures.
Abigail, the father's joy (1 Sam. 25). The Church cleaving to Christ in the day of His rejection, afterward married to the Lord. Name occurs about 15 times and only in the Old Testament.
Abimelech, father of the King (Gen. 11). The Gentiles in external relationship to God and His people on earth. Common designation of the Philistine Kings. Name occurs about 24 times and only in the Old Testament.
Abiram, lather of exaltation (Num. 16). Abiram with others—princes of the congregation—allied with Korah—head of the ministering tribe—joined in open revolt against the authority of Moses and Aaron; figuring future union of Church and State in open rebellion to the royal and priestly rights of Christ. Name occurs about 10 times and in the Old Testament only.
Abner, father of light (2 Sam. 2;3). Abner an upright man, connected with the royal house of Saul, fighting against the Lord's anointed to maintain the falling honor and dignity of his house - figures the morality of the day, fighting for and supporting the decaying fortunes of the world, which is, after all, in opposition to Christ. Name occurs about 60 times and only in the Old Testament.
Abraham, father of a great multitude (Gen. 17). Father of a spiritual race (believers) and of a natural race - Israel (Rom. 4). Root of the Olive Tree-general testimony on the earth (Rom. 11). Name occurs including " Abram " about 300 times in the Scriptures.
Absalom, father of peace (2 Sam. 15). The future Antichrist, i.e., "the bloody and deceitful man" (Psa. 5:6). Name occurs about 106 times and only in the Old Testament.
Adam, earth or red (Gen. 2). Christ, Lord of Creation, and otherwise Adam was the "figure of Him that was to come" (Rom. 5:14; Cor. 15.; Eph. 5:31,32). Name occurs about 30 times in the Scriptures.
Adonijah, Jehovah is my master (1 Kings 1). Usurper of the royal rights of Christ; will find its counterpart more fully during the early part of Christ's millennial reign. Name occurs about 24 times and only in the Old Testament.
Agag, high, tall (1 Sam. 15). The flesh in its pride and in its best and highest pretensions doomed to utter destruction (Exod. 17:8-14). Name occurs about 8 times and only in the Old Testament.
Ahab, father's brother (1 Kings 16). Apostate civil power leagued with the idolatrous power (Jezebel) in the closing days of Christendom. Name occurs about 90 times and only in the Old Testament.
Ahasuerus, Majesty of the prince (Esther 1). Supreme authority in the world and its connection with the Jewish people now and in the closing days. Name occurs about 30 times and only in the book of Esther.
Ahithophel, brother of foolishness (2 Sam. 15). Satan's latter-day plans and counsels against the Lord's Anointed defeated. Name occurs about 20 times in the Old Testament only.
Aholah, her own tent or temple (Ezek. 23). Samaria or the ten-tribed kingdom and her idolatrous worship. Name occurs 5 times, and only in the reference chapter.
Aholibah, my tent or sanctuary in it (Ezek. 23). Jerusalem or the kingdom of Judah, in midst of which Jehovah had placed His "sanctuary," exceeding even her sister Samaria in idolatry. Name occurs 6 times, and only in the reference chapter.
Asenath, beauty (Gen. 46:20). The Gentile wife of the exalted Lord. Name occurs but 3 times, and that in Genesis 41 and 46.
Baali, my Lord or husband (Hos. 2:16). Jehovah in relationship to Israel as her husband and Lord. There is but one occurrence of this name in the Scriptures.
Balaam, destruction of the people (Num. 22). Ecclesiastical corruption turned to account by Satan for the hurt of God's people. Name occurs about 60 times in the Scriptures.
Balak, empty (Num. 22). The future civil power leagued with the ecclesiastical (Balaam) power for the hurt of God's people. Name occurs about 40 times in the Scriptures.
Belshazzar, prince whom Bel. (god of Babylon) favors (Dan. 5). This last of the Chaldean monarchs illustrates profanity at its height, visited by the sharp and sudden judgment of God; it is also typical of impiety of a like kind, and of judgment as suddenly executed in the closing days of Christendom's apostacy. Name occurs about 8 times, and only in the prophet Daniel.
Boaz, in him is strength (Ruth 2). Christ, in whom is treasured up the sure mercies of David, making good in a future day Israel's blessing in relationship and inheritance. Name occurs about 24 times in the Scriptures.
Cain, acquired (Gen. 4). Typically, the Jews who slew Christ (as Cain did Abel) and then sent to wander on the earth as fugitives, but marked off and preserved by God. Name occurs about 18 times in the Scriptures.
Caleb, barker, hence a dog (Num. 13). Faithfulness to God commanded and rewarded. Name occurs about 30 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Chilion, pining away (Ruth 1). Israel out of her land and wasting away because of her iniquities. (Isa. 38:12).
Cyrus, sun (Isa. 44:28; 45:1). Cyrus, the destroyer of Babylon and deliverer of the Jews, points to the future day when the Gentiles in the hands of Jehovah will be used for the blessing and help of His earthly people. Name occurs about 24 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Daniel, God my Judge (Dan. 1). The Prophet figures the Lord as the revealer and interpreter of the Ways of God; also as the future Jewish remnant, faithful to God and confessing national iniquity and sin. Name occurs about 80 times in the Scriptures.
David, beloved (1 Sam. 16). The Messiah anointed for the Throne, then rejected as now, and also the early part of the millennial reign. Name occurs about 1120 times in the Scriptures.
Delilah, languishing (Judg. 16). The beguiling power of the world over the Christian. Name occurs 6 times, and only in the reference chapter.
Eliezer, God the helper (Gen. 24). Figures the Holy Ghost leading home the bride through the desert, to Christ risen and in heaven, as Eliezer conducted Rebekah to Isaac, received from the dead in a figure (Heb. 11:19.) and dwelling in Canaan—type of heaven. Name occurs but once in Scripture (Gen. 15:2.), but it is the same who is repeatedly referred to as the "Servant," in Genesis 24.
Elihu, my God is Jehovah (Job 32). The Holy Spirit the alone interpreter of God's moral ways and dealings with man. Name occurs about 7 times, and only in the book of Job.
Elijah [whose] God [is] Jehovah (2 Kings 2). That portion of the Church changed and caught up to meet Christ without seeing death, as Moses figures the dead saints raised, hence Moses and Elias in the Mount of Glory (Luke 9:28-35); also ministry of power and judgment to apostate Israel in coming days. Name occurs about 100 times in the Scriptures.
Elimelech, God is King (Ruth 1). God, Israel's husband and King, when in her land. Name occurs 6 times, and only in the book of Ruth.
Elisha, God's Salvation (1 Kings 19). The future ministry of grace to guilty Israel succeeding that of judgment. Name occurs about 60 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Enoch, dedicated (Gen. 5). The Church taken to heaven after her walk and testimony for God on earth and before the world is judged, as typified in the flood. Name ( not to be confounded with the son of Cain, Gen. 4) occurs about 9 times in the Scriptures.
Ephraim, double fruit (Gen. 41:52). Fruitfulness of the Lord in His present rejection by the world and Israel; illustrated in Heb. 2 Name personally and of the people occurs about 140 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Esau, hairy (Gen. 25). Apostate Gentile power in opposition to God and His earthly people. Name of the person and people occurs more than 100 times in the Scriptures; Edom, however, not here included, is the usual way in which the descendants and country of Esau are spoken of in the Bible.
Esther, star (Esther 2). The earthly and Jewish bride of the Lord in millennial glory and dignity (Psa. 45). Name occurs about 58 times, and only in the book of Esther.
Eve, life (Gen. 2). Figures the creation of the bride of the Second Man (Eph. 5:31,32) and of her association with Him in lordship and dominion over the earth. Name occurs 4 times in the Scriptures.
Gehazi, valley of vision (2 Kings 4). Divine discovery of and Divine judgment upon sin in those externally near to God. Name occurs about 12 times, and only in second book of Kings.
Gershom, a stranger there (Ex. 2:22). Christ having been rejecter by Israel, is at present unknown by, and a stranger to, the ancient people (name not to be confounded with son of Levi, Num. 3) Occurs about 5 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Hagar, fugitive (Gen. 16). Covenant of works or the law made with man in the flesh (Gal. 4). Name occurs about 14 times in the Scriptures.
Haman, honorable (Esther 3). Future Gentile enemy of Israel planning her destruction, and in the midst of his power and plans suddenly destroyed. Name occurs about 54 times, and only in the book of Esther.
Hannah, grace, favor (1 Sam. 1). Israel desolate and in sorrow turns to Jehovah, who then establishes her in the earth in glory and relationship to Himself. Name occurs 13 times, and only in first two chapters of 1 Samuel.
Hazael, God has looked upon (1 Kings 19:15). God raising up a scourge for His people in the north (the Assyrian of the Prophets) n the latter-day crisis of their history. Name occurs about 24 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Hiram, noble (1 Kings 5). This Tyrian king, in the days of David and Solomon also termed "Huram," represents the Gentiles willingly lending their aid and treasures in building up the Temple in the coming days of the kingdom. Name occurs about 28 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Hophni and Phinehas, champion and mouth of brass (1 Sam. 1:3). A degraded and corrupt priesthood, causing "the way of truth to be evil spoken of." Names occur about 7 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Isaac, laughter (Gen. 22). Christ dead, risen, and dwelling in heaven the heir of all things. Name occurs about 130 times in the Scriptures.
Ish-bosheth, man of shame (2 Sam. 2). Usurpation of the royal power in Judea during the early part of Christ's millennial reign. Name occurs about 13 times, and only in the second book of Samuel.
Jacob, supplanter (Gen. 25). The Jew outcast from home and country, and under the governmental dealing and discipline of God; in some respects, Jacob also typifies the Lord, as in his marriage with Leah and Rachel. Name occurs, including it as applied to the nation, about 370 times in the Scriptures.
Jeremiah, exalted of the Lord (Jer. 32). Christ buying the earthly inheritance in presence of the world's hostile power. (Matt. 13:44). Christ weeping and lamenting over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41,42) is figured in the "Lamentations" of the same Prophet. Name occurs about 140 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Jezebel, no habitation (1 Kings 16). Idolatrous religious system leagued with the Apostate civil power in the closing days. Name occurs about 23 times in the Scriptures.
Joab, Jehovah-father (2 Sam. 2). Craft; boldness. Type of a clever, cunning man of the world. Name occurs about 140 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Job, treated with hostility (Job 1). Self and human righteousness withered up by the hand and in the presence of God. Name occurs about 60 times in the Scriptures.
Jonah, dove (Jonah 1). Israel cast out amongst the Gentiles; also the Lord in death, then preaching to the Gentiles (Matt. 12:39-41). Name occurs about 30 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Jonathan, [whom] the Lord hath given (1 Sam. 14). The future Jewish remnant cleaving to Christ during the reign of Antichrist. Name occurs about 100 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Joshua, the Lord's salvation (Josh. 1). Christ in victorious power by the Spirit leading His people through death into present blessing in the heavenly places (Eph. 1). Name occurs about 210 times in the Scriptures.
Keturah, incense (Gen. 25). Israel's future establishment in the land, and relationship to Jehovah. Name occurs 4 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Korah, ice (Num. 16). Christendom's future apostasy and terrible doom (Jude it). Name occurs about 20 times in the Scriptures.
Labatt, white (Gen. 24). A man worldly-wise in external relationship to God's people, and using religion as a stepping-stone for self and family aggrandizement. Name occurs about 54 times, and only in the book of Genesis.
Lamech, strong (Gen. 4). Lust, self-will, and cruelty of the last days in connection with Israel. Name occurs 5 times, and only in the reference chapter.
Leah, wearied (Gen. 29). The Gentile bride first possessed by Christ, although Rachel (the Jew) was first loved and sought. Name occurs about 34 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Lot, covering, protection (Gen. 13). An illustration of the wretched principle "making the best of both worlds." Name occurs about 36 times in the Scriptures.
Maher-shalal-hash-baz, hastening to the spoil (Isa. 8). A prophetic sign of the approaching and desolating ravages of the Assyrian—the great enemy of Israel in the past and future periods of her history. Name occurs but twice, and only in the reference chapter.
Mahlon, sick (Ruth 1). Israel out of her land, sick unto death (Hos. 5:13). Name occurs 4 times, and only in the book of Ruth.
Mara, bitter (Ruth 1:20). Israel's future return to her land accomplished in bitterness and sorrow. There is but one occurrence of the name in Scripture.
Melchizedek, king of righteousness (Gen. 14). The combined kingly and priestly millennial reign of Christ. Name occurs about 11 times in the Scriptures.
Mephibosheth, signification doubtful (2 Sam. 9). Illustration of the kindness of God displayed to a poor sinner. Name occurs about 14 times, and only in second Samuel.
Mordecai, worshippers of Mars (Esther 2). Christ exercising the power and glory conferred upon Him in connection with His earthly people in the last days. Name occurs about 58 times, and only in the book of Esther.
Moses, drawn out of the water (Ex. 2). Christ, the future deliverer of His earthly people from their sins, and from their enemies. Name occurs. about 805 times in the Scriptures.
Naaman, pleasant (2 Kings 5). The pride of man thoroughly humbled, and the kingdom received as a little child. Name occurs about 12 times in the Scriptures.
Nadab and Abihu, noble, and whose father is God (Num. 3). The daring presumption of mere nature, aided by religious ordinances and ecclesiastical position, to enter the Lord's presence. These names occur about 12 times, always in conjunction, and only in the Old Testament.
Naomi, my pleasantness (Ruth 1). Israel, Jehovah's pleasant child (Jer. 31:20.); and pleasant plant (Isa. 5:7).
Nebuchadnezzar, prince of god mercury (Dan. 2). Absolute and universal power in the hands of man. Name occurs about 90 times in the Scriptures.
Noah, rest (Gen. 6). Figures Christ in some respects, and in others the future remnant of Israel. Name occurs about 55 times in the Scriptures.
Obadiah, servant of the Lord (1 Kings 18). A servant of the Lord in fellowship with the world, hence the walk and testimony is of a hidden character. Name occurs 7 times, and only in the reference chapter.
Obed-edom, serving Edom (2 Sam. 6). Jehovah's care over those who care for His interests on earth (Matt. 6:33). Name occurs about 9 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Orpah, a hind or fawn (Ruth 1). A backslider and apostate from Jehovah, His truth and people. Name occurs but twice, and only in the reference chapter.
Pharaoh, prince or king (Ex. 1). Supreme authority in the world. Common designation of the Egyptian kings, of whom there are at least seven thus titled in the Scriptures.
Phinehas, mouth of brass (Num. 25). Zeal for the glory of God, and its consequent reward (Psa. 106:30, 31). Name occurs about 16 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Rachel, a ewe or sheep (Gen. 29). The Jew first loved and sought by Christ, but Leah (the Gentile) first possessed. Name occurs about 48 times in the Scriptures.
Rahab, enlargement (Josh. 2). Faith in the word and work of Jehovah, securing immunity from judgment, and a place with God, and with His people. Name occurs about 8 times in the Scriptures.
Rebekah, binding (Gen. 24). The bride traveling through the wilderness to Christ on high, cheered and sustained by the comforts of the Holy Ghost. Name occurs about 31 times in the Scriptures.
Ruth, beauty (Ruth 1). Israel taken up in the future, on the ground of sovereign grace alone, figured by Ruth, a Moabitess, in herself utterly destitute of right to blessing (Deut. 23:3). Name occurs about 13 times in the Scriptures.
Sarah, princess (Gen. 17). Covenant of grace or promise (Gal. 4:22-31) offered to the Jews (Acts 3:25). Name occurs about 60 times in the Scriptures.
Saul, asked for (1 Sam. 9). The future Antichrist, who will reign as king in Palestine (Dan. 11:36). Name occurs about 400 times in the Scriptures.
Seth, appointed (Gen. 4). Christ in resurrection (Abel in death), the appointed heir of all things, and head of the new creation. Name occurs about 9 times in the Scriptures.
Solomon, peaceable (1 Kings 11). Christ's millennial reign in all its glory, and sought to by the near and distant heathen. Name occurs about 312 times in the Scriptures.
Shear-Jashub, a remnant shall return (Isa. 7:3). A prophetic sign and name, intimating that a remnant of Israel will be spared from judgment, and recommence the history of the nation in her land. Name occurs but once.
Uzzah. strength (2 Sam. 6). The daring presumption of man instantly checked by Divine judgment. Name occurs about 8 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Vashti, beauty (Esther 1). Gentile bride refuses to show her beauty in the world and before her Lord, but this the Jewish bride (Esther) will do in the coming day. Name occurs about 10 times, and only in the book of Esther.
Zerubbabel, sown, i.e., begotten in Babylon (Zech. 4:6-10). Christ building up the glory in millennial times; completing it amidst shoutings of "grace." Name occurs about 22 times, and only in the Old Testament.
Zipporah, bird (Ex. 2). Gentile wife of the Lord during His absence from Israel. Name occurs three times, and only in the book of Exodus.