To My Nephew, on His Birth

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 26
PRECIOUS little creature,
Thou art come at last,
All our anxious watching
For thy birth is past;
Thou art come to cheer us
With thy tiny voice,
Precious little creature,
How our hearts rejoice.
Yes, we bid thee welcome
To thy home on earth,
Praying that a blessing
May attend thy birth.
Though a helpless infant
On thy mother’s knee,
Precious little creature,
Jesus died for thee.
He became a baby,
Such an one as thou,
Took the very nature
Thou art wearing now:
Hung a spotless victim
On the shameful tree,
Gave His life a ransom,
Little one, for thee.
Would’st thou like to know Him,
Like to taste His love?
Would’st thou like to meet Him
In His home above?
Oh, that He may guide thee,
In thy youthful days,
To the living fountains
Of His matchless grace.
May He be thy Shepherd,
Precious little one,
Fold thee in His bosom,
Make thee His alone.
When thy days are ended,
And thy race is run,
When the Saviour calls thee
To His heavenly home,
Then a hearty welcome
Unto thee be given,
And a joyful greeting
At the gate of heaven.