There's a Voice That Is Calling to Thee

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 2
There's a voice that is calling to thee,
And it pleads with its tenderest tone,
While it bids thee from God's wrath to flee,
And whispers, "To Jesus now come!"
Sinner, hear and obey,
'Tis the voice of the Spirit that cries;
While He strives, yield to Him,
Do not quench the convictions that rise.
There's a Saviour now waiting for thee,
With His heart and His arms open wide;
Will you come, and from judgment be free
Through the Lamb who on Calvary died?
There's a fountain that's open for thee;
Go and wash, then be clean from thy sin:
Not a spot nor a stain shall there be
If but once thou art cleansèd therein.
There's a mansion in heaven for thee,
With its pleasures that none can conceive;
And eternally happy thou'lt be
If thou wilt but on Jesus believe.