There Is a Friend

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
During the Crimean War a young Irish soldier was doing duty in one of the advance trenches. A shell fired from the Russian battery opposite burst close to where he stood, and carried away both his arms and legs. Wonderful to say, his life was saved, and through careful nursing he recovered so as to be able to return to England.
After his arrival there, he was taken to the royal palace to be presented before Queen Victoria. He was wheeled, in a small carriage made for him, into the presence of the Queen and the Prince Consort, with the officers of the household.
When the Queen saw the maimed soldier seated in his little carriage, she went to him and kindly laid her hand upon his shoulder.
Then she asked him if he had a home or any friends. Looking up with a smile, the helpless soldier said, “Sure, your Majesty, I don’t need any other friend when you are my friend.” This expression of confidence so pleased Her Majesty that she gave orders to have the lad cared for at her personal expense.
This is an illustration of, and yet a contrast to, the grace of God. This man had served his sovereign and his country faithfully; but the sinner is a rebel and an enemy to God. Yet God has set His heart upon the sinner; and, in spite of all that he has been and is, God has been moved with compassion for him and has provided a Savior, a Friend, and a home for him.
What would have been thought of that Irish soldier, wounded, helpless, and friendless, had he refused the royal bounty, and rejected the royal grace bestowed upon him?
Yet this is exactly what you are doing, dear lost soul, with the grace of God. Are you one of His saved ones? Have you received Him?