The Value of the Blood of Christ

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
If an Israelite had been asked what it was that saved him from the destroyer on the first Passover night, what would have been his reply? A very brief one, we may be sure. He would have replied in a word of five letters, namely, “BLOOD!” He would have quoted Jehovah’s words in proof.
“When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” Exodus 12:13.
He knew nothing about salvation by the BLOOD and something else. No; the Israelite could have taught us a very simple lesson. The BLOOD was everything to him as a ground of salvation and peace. And surely it should be everything to us likewise. If he was not taught to mingle anything else with the blood, neither should we.
If the blood of a lamb was sufficient to save an Israelite from the hand of death, surely the blood of the Eternal Son of God is sufficient to save us from all the consequences of our sins, from the wrath of God and from eternal judgment. It is justly due to the blood of such a sacrifice that all who put their trust therein should be safe under its shadow forever.
There are two ways of casting dishonor upon “the blood of Jesus”; first, by supposing that it only goes half way in procuring salvation; and, secondly, by supposing that it is only a half salvation which it procures. The ordinance of the Passover contradicts both these suppositions, contradicts them in the plainest possible way. Israel’s firstborn were saved by the blood ALONE; and they were WHOLLY saved by the blood.
Let us remember this. They had no thought of adding aught thereto. Having the BLOOD, they wanted nothing more. It perfectly saved them from judgment, and gave them perfect peace.