The Tree Which Marks the Center of the World

Table of Contents

1. The Tree Which Marks the Center of the World

The Tree Which Marks the Center of the World

The sun was shining brightly, and it was just the right kind of day for taking pictures. There were many beautiful and interesting subjects for the camera, but everyone seemed interested in a fine old tree. It looked the same as many other trees nearby, except that it had an iron fence around it, and a bronze plaque which revealed the interest of those who came from far to see it.
A young man could be seen walking quickly along the road, and his interest was aroused by the groups of people, and by the picture-taking. He paused briefly and asked one of the men, “What’s so interesting about that tree? Why are folks taking pictures of it?”
“This tree is supposed to mark the center of England, as the inscription over there will tell you. Folks come here from all over England to see it, in fact I have seen tourists here from many other countries, and they all seem to want a picture of the center of England.”
With further interest, the young man walked up and read the inscription on the plaque, and then seemed very deep in thought. Presently his face, which was a very happy one, lighted up with a glowing smile. He turned and walked back to the man whom he had first addressed.
“This is really interesting,” he said, in a rather loud voice. “I had never heard of that tree before. But it makes me think of another tree which means a great deal to me, although I have never seen it.”
“That’s strange?” the man replied, “Tell me about it.”
At the same time others who had heard his remarks stepped over to listen.
“The Tree I refer to,” began the young man, “marks the center of the world.”
The listeners turned to one another with surprise and unbelief. “The center of the world! Impossible! What do you mean?”
“All those on one side of the Tree of which I speak, are saved, and on their way to glory and Heaven. All those on the other side of it are lost, and are on their way to eternal darkness and punishment in Hell.”
At this remark some of the listeners looked very puzzled; others gave a sneering laugh and moved away.
“The Tree that I speak of,” continued the young man, “is mentioned by the apostle Peter, and it was surely a happy day for me when I read about it and believed. Listen to his words, ‘Christ... who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.’ 1 Peter 2:24. That Tree is the Cross of the Lord Jesus Chris: and I thank God that I stand on the side of those whose sins are washed away in His precious blood-a saved sinner and on my way to glory.”
Reader, there are many monuments in the world which might interest you greatly, but the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ has divided this world. As you read this paper you stand on one side or the other of this great Tree—the true “center of the world.”
The events of your home and occupation give you much concern. The events of the world about you probably interest you deeply also. But have you ever thought that your home and your occupation, and the very world in which you live, must be left behind some day, and you will step out into eternity?
In that day, the most important question of all—yes, the only question that will really matter then—will be, “On which side of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ do I stand?”
Perhaps you shrug off this question by saying that you are not a heathen, but a good citizen, and a respected church-member. But what does all this mean if your sins are not washed away in the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus?
Face the most important question of time and eternity right now. Have you ever bowed your knees to God’s beloved Son, owning yourself a needy sinner, and, having been washed from your sins in His precious shed blood, have you taken your stand with those who own no other ground of safety but “redemption ground”?
The Tree of Calvary’s hill marks the center of the world. On which side do you stand?
“How long halt ye between two opinions?” 1 Kings 18:21.
“He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son SHALL NOT see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.