The Three "Nots."

WE were waiting for the Birmingham train, which arrived at the time appointed. No sooner, however, had we taken our seats than we were struck with the solemn and peaceful appearance of a respectable-looking old man, who was the only occupant of that carriage. His appearance and manner so claimed our respect, that the possibility of his being a follower of the Lord Jesus presented itself most irresistibly to our minds. After traveling together for some time, I could not help saying, “May I ask you, sir, if you have eternal life?”
“Yes, certainly. Christ is my life; and I have enjoyed His love for upwards of thirty years.”
You see, then, that Christ, who died for sinners, and is now in the glory, is your life—eternal life; as the Scripture saith, “God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son of God hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.” How very simple this is! and yet how very blessed to know that God speaks of us now as having the present possession of everlasting life! “You see, also, sir, I suppose, your everlasting security; for if Christ in the glory is your life, how can you ever perish? Moreover, has He not given us, among other very precious Scriptures, three nots? — shall “not perish,” “not be ashamed,” “not be confounded.”
“Oh, yes,” said he; “I shall never perish!”
By this time we had arrived at Leicester, and had to separate from this old disciple, this dear child of God, as he seemed to us to be. We could but affectionately shake him by the hand, and commend him to the blessing of God. He said, on leaving us, “I never saw these three nots before, and believe I shall not easily forget them.”
After this, as we traveled along the line, we could not help thinking what a deep reality it is to be “in Christ Jesus;” and how few, even if they know their sins forgiven, seem to enter into the blessedness of Christ now being their life, and that they stand before the eye of God, “not in the flesh,” but in Christ risen and ascended; as the apostle hath it, “quickened together, raised up together, made sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus!” How delightful to know ourselves thus on the other side of death, on new-creation ground, beyond the reach of Satan, the world, or death, as to standing and acceptance, because we are accepted in the Beloved, blessed with all spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, made nigh to God in Him, and through His precious blood! What cause for praise! What ground of worship and thanksgiving the sinner that believes is brought into! Sins judged, the old man crucified, all God’s just claims met for us in the death of Jesus under the judgment of God, as in our stead, and bearing our sins! How fully reconciled to God we are! everything being cleared up by the death of His Son! and now having new life “in Him,” “the righteousness of God in Him,” cleansed by His blood, justified by His blood, sanctified by His blood, in whom we have redemption through His blood, and the One who thus redeemed us being now our great High Priest before God. What can be more secure? and how could we be given greater ground of confidence as to present access to God, and future enjoyment of glory? Well may we sing-
“How can I sink with such a prop
As my eternal God,
Who bears the earth’s huge pillars up,
And spreads the heavens abroad?
“How can I die while Jesus lives,
As risen from the dead,
Since life and grace my soul receives
In her exalted Head?”
Dear reader, may we lovingly ask, Have you been reconciled to God? Have you known what it is to have had every question of sin, guilt, fear of death and judgment, all cleared up between you and God? Have you so credited God’s own account of the death of Jesus, as having suffered for sins, under the judgment of God, and thus put away sin, that you believe the truth that sins were so purged? — what God says, “Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more”? See how blessed the testimony of God the Holy Spirit is— “There is now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” Only think, “No condemnation!” And how could there be, if Jesus bore the condemnation for you? Oh, dear reader, if you have not yet fled to the Lord Jesus as the only refuge for your sin-burdened soul, the only Saviour for a sinner, flee now, we beseech you, as the manslayer fled to be inside the city of refuge, that you may know that you are reconciled to God—not condemned—justified from all things—in Christ Jesus! Then will you be able to enter into the threefold comforting assurance— “not perish,” “not be ashamed,” “not be confounded.”